nicymike / serflings

Serflings Remake Project
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AI locked itself up and curious settler movement #102

Open stepo2 opened 1 year ago

stepo2 commented 1 year ago

Latest snapshot 2.0. the enemy somehow locked himself up. It's hard to see on a screenshot, but the "road-bound" settlers of the enemy are not moving and the "free-running" are not dying. Attacking the military building does not work (my soldiers don't arrive because of the crowd), attacking the castle however "works" in a most curious way: my soldiers somehow get through the crowd and then sometimes the enemy geologist at the door "vanishes" on spot, the fight happens as long as soldiers are near, then the geologist just "reappears" from nowhere without walking.

After the castle was defeated with this ghost geologist sometimes vanishing I could then attack the military building finally. But this lead to bug #100 that the homeless settlers did not vanish anymore.


nicymike commented 1 year ago

With vanish, do you mean disappear completely? This should not happen. I guess this will be hard to reproduce without some kind of replay feature.

stepo2 commented 1 year ago

The geologist visually disappears, then teh fight happens, the he visually reappears. it's the same game from #100 (only have the finished state).

That the AI locked itself up with blocked settlers happene pretty early in the game, however. I ignored it until very late because I could just farm weapons and gold this way without having to care about this AI player. It's the same AI player from the other two tickets, somehow the AI messed totally up here, leading to some undefined behaviour.