nicymike / serflings

Serflings Remake Project
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Custom/Amiga music support idea #132

Open Darmorque opened 5 months ago

Darmorque commented 5 months ago

I know that among the planned features to be implemented, there is also support for music files from the Amiga computer. However, since this is a more complex task, it may be worth trying to work around it in the simplest way possible - allowing the playback of a selected audio file located in the game folder in a loop. I suspect that implementing .mp3 or .wav support may be much simpler than adding an audio player for the original .mod tracks.

Of course, this is an idea of the lowest possible priority. Alternatively, you could run any audio player in the background and achieve a similar effect; however, having music played directly in the game would add to the overall coherence of the experience.

nicymike commented 5 months ago

The main issue is not the conversion from mod because this is already needed for the DOS version. The main issue is reading the Amiga files because they are very different from the DOS version.

Darmorque commented 5 months ago

I rather meant simple feature to play a waveform audio file inside the game and leaving the rest to the players. Original Amiga music is easily obtainable, including the conversion to .mp3 or .wav using .mod players that do the job of converting quite well. Perhaps simple ingame selection between original DOS music and custom one would be more than enough to do the trick. And that would entirely bypass the need of reading native Amiga files. At least for the time being.

I undarstand that reading and playing Amiga files natively would be the sweet spot, but as it's not really crucial nor of high priority, using any selectable audio file as ingame music would be perfectly suitable solution for as long as Amiga files support is not in the works. Just a thought.

On a side note, big thank you for your work. It's hard to express how fun it is to have an influence on developement of the beloved game from so many years ago. Feel really exceptional.

nicymike commented 5 months ago

Adding custom music sounds like a nice idea but this will also need some time develop. I will put it on my list for now.