nicymike / serflings

Serflings Remake Project
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two curious things after playing for some hours #61

Open AX-Turbo opened 3 years ago

AX-Turbo commented 3 years ago


I've played your version for a few hours now (played the original version over years so I would say I really know the game) and noticed two strange events. There are e.g. (freshly built) mines for which the geologist originally put up a "large material deposit" sign. But after running some of these mines, they are exhausted after just a few minutes (food was there)! If you tear them off and the geologist later coincidentally "digs" again at the same place, he often puts up the "large" sign there again.

Also, at some point I was very busy with fighting the computer opponent. So for half an hour or so I didn´t notice that my entire land was at a standstill - e.g. construction workers no longer received wood/stone, smelters no iron/coal etc. There was a lot of that/each ressources stored in my castle, but nobody brought anything out. -> Game saved, reloaded, and the delivery started again immediately.

Thanxx for your attention ✌️

nicymike commented 3 years ago

Still checking...

nicymike commented 3 years ago
  1. Point: I checked the code for mining and it looks equal to the original code. Maybe it is just bad luck. The mine is working like this:

    • Search for a random position
    • Check for resource
    • Repeat four times
    • If nothing was found, reduce percentage and send message if zero So if you have bad luck the mine does not check the large deposit because of random. Try to wait longer even with the message arriving. This is the same with woodcutter and single trees near the building. Sometime you wait really long.
  2. Point: I checked the code for delivering goods out of the castle and stocks but I did not find a bug. I will do some improvements anyway and hope this will fix the issue. Did the computer players also stop doing anything? Because the code is connected.

AX-Turbo commented 2 years ago


the computer doesn´t seem to have any problems with delivering goods for his building lots. Today it happened again to me, see screenshots.

left: too much wood delivered, but no stone for 30+ mins mid: only wood, no stone delivered for 30+ mins right: although enough stone is available in the caste

for test purposes, teared the buildings off and placed exactly the same ones again - same result in the end. Transport ways weren´t clogged or so. Only thing is, both lots were pretty far away from the castle (nevertheless some other buildings there were also completed).


AX-Turbo commented 2 years ago

💡 ok I think I´ve found out the real correlation/background of this issue now - this "delivery stop" happens here every time when I have no more facility of a certain production left. e.g. "no more gold mine left > goldsmith receives no more gold ore from castle" although there´s more than enough stored there. Same with lumberjack, stonecutter, etc.

With the moment I re-open one of these production places again, the delivery from castle also starts again promptly. So "no clue" if this is a bug or a wanted circumstance - anyway these stops are not logical as long as you have stored hundreds of each goods at the castle. (?)

nicymike commented 2 years ago

Can you provide some savegames with active stops? Did you also check the original game (eg. History Edition)? The savegames from Serflings should load fine in the original game. If there is also a stop there this might be wanted or you found a bug that also exists in the original game.

If a building produces something, eg. gold mine getting gold, it will be placed at the flag with no target location. The game then searches for other buildings around that need these stuff and it will be send to the target without storing. To my knowledge this does not affect the castle.

AX-Turbo commented 2 years ago

ok here is the savegame. To find the two building lots, consider the card-screenshot. If I fast-forward the game with x16 speed, the lots will finally become delivered (again) with stones after ~2 minutes (keep in mind, these unfinished lots are already easily 30 real minutes old at the savegame). For me this extraordinary long delay of delivery is not normal.

I can´t crosscheck the savegame by myself, because at the org. (DOS-)Siedler it crashes a few seconds after loading, when I try to scroll there. map

nicymike commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the long silence. I was really busy.

The original game also crashes on my side. I guess I fixed something in Serflings. :) I am currently working on an internal function to debug the transportation of goods. The game does some complicated stuff if a building needs something.

Maybe this information is helpful for you. I'll get back to this issue when I have any news.

Update I've just seen you did not build any stocks. This is particular bad because of the outgoing queue. The castle just cannot handle all the buildings. Also outgoing settlers (which is also a queue but a much bigger one) have a higher priority than putting goods out of the stock (or the castle in your case). When I watch the castle, many settlers are coming out which will block your delivering of goods. Remember: Always build stocks and try to distribute the goods.