nicymike / serflings

Serflings Remake Project
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Feature suggestion: auto-building of flags for easy road-joining #91

Closed stepo2 closed 1 year ago

stepo2 commented 1 year ago

Situation: have a long road without flags. Built a new road crossing the old one. Oh no, no flag is there: build a flag, then restart the whole new road-built-process again.

It would be nice if the road-built tool could auto-build flags if building a road onto an existing road at a point where a flag would be possible and needed.

nicymike commented 1 year ago

This is already included in the game. If special click additional is enabled, you need to press special click to connect a new path with an existing one and building a flag at the same time. It works the same in the original game.

If you disable it, there will be a flag icon which indicates that you may click to connect the path.



stepo2 commented 1 year ago

Ah, thank you. :) Was always wondering what this option actually means. Deactivating this is the better option here then.

If this is possible maybe a better label should be used, so that one knows that the option is about road/flag building (and not just generally about some mysterious click).

nicymike commented 1 year ago

The option disables some additional parts where you need to use the special key in the original game: demolish, stock management and road connection

If tooltips are added somewhere in the future this will be clear. :)

nicymike commented 1 year ago

I added more text to the options. Should be easier to understand now.

I will close this issue due to already implemented.