nicymike / serflings

Serflings Remake Project
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Allow disabling the tool builder or add more fine grained controls over his productions #97

Open stepo2 opened 1 year ago

stepo2 commented 1 year ago

When having a tool builder it constantly gets new resources (wood, iron) and builds tools in the distribution as defined in the menu.

However, setting all bars to 0 means "build all tools equally likely". But tools are not needd in a constant flow, like for example gold, food or weapons.

Sometimes I need a tool builder only for some of a single tool which I need just now (some pickaxes for new mines fo example), but want to otherwise not waste resources for unneeded tools.

So it would be nice to have more control over the tool builder, like disabling his production or having a "+/-" counter buttons for tools to explciitly tell him "make 3 of pickaxe and 1 of hammer now, then stop again". His resources should still be filled to maximum that he can quickly continue if needed.

ShpakMA commented 1 year ago

And simular to boat yard too… 5 boats, when stop…

And, probably, make one tool if no simular tools available in stocks, when stop…

stepo2 commented 1 year ago

And, probably, make one tool if no simular tools available in stocks, when stop…

Actually I like this idea even more. Have a single+/- counter setting that defines how many of each tool should be present at any time.

Example: if it is set to "3", then the tool builder will work as long as all tools are "freely" (in storage, transported by settler or at a flag) available 3 times. As soon as each tool is available 3 times or more he will stop.

nicymike commented 1 year ago

I like your ideas but I need to think about how to include this in the savegame first.

ShpakMA commented 1 year ago

I like your ideas but I need to think about how to include this in the savegame first.

Ok, just add new page in config file. Such as "Game Tweaks". After add switch to this page: "Limit maximum amount of tools instead of probability of making".

After that use page (shown on picture) as limiters. Not for control probability. And no changes for save. May be, gameplay tweaks should be control by anther config file and ditribute with savefiles if it publishing. Also, good idea to add numeric indicators for limiter mode rightmost to sliders.

Снимок экрана в 2023-06-09 16-41-21

nicymike commented 1 year ago

I don't prefer two files to be distributed. I think it is better to extend the savegame file format.

Wakeboardtiger commented 1 year ago

Normally this is controlled via the material resource distribution window. There you can decide how many iron or wood who gets. If you put it on nil, the guys wont get delivered any more with wood or iron and cannot produce. I guess u guys knew this already. Obviously, it is a bit complicated to control this issue but that can be seen as a way of an art and challenge how to control or master the game. If you put this extra option also for the boat builder I would recon to put it in all buildings then.... Naturally it will change a bit the challenges of the games nature, like how to handle any over production and its traffic jams...

stepo2 commented 1 year ago

@Wakeboardtiger I don't know if I got you perfectly right, but this issue is about producing from already delivered resourced, not about receiving new resources.

If you stop the tool builder from getting resources he will be empty soon. If I then need a tool I first have to wait for him to get new materials. That's unlogical behaviour.

Yes, it is a change to the challenge, but a good one, IMHO. Becuase the behaviour of the tool/boat builder would be more predictable, more direct and more comprehensible.

In the game you play a king. What king is this that can not tell his settlers "carriers: give the tool builder resources, tool builder: but only start working when I tell you"? A pretty lousy king.

Wakeboardtiger commented 1 year ago

"If you stop the tool builder from getting resources he will be empty soon. If I then need a tool I first have to wait for him to get new materials. That's unlogical behaviour." Yes you got me right. Well I guess one could debate in how far this is not logical. But this is how you can control it right now. And yes, there are a lot of things in this game which are hard to control, since there are automated. Basically from which load is going to which construction place, supplier, mine or storage house or which one is manufactured by whom, until which tree is going to be cut, which settler is walking into what building or fort and from what fort which knight is going to attack. But there are tricks, rules and walkarounds you can use to force your will on to the settlers. And that's the art you might want to acquire. I am not trying you to prevent from getting this option, but maybe you see where this could lead to. Bringing up the question, where are you going to stop adding these options? Probably ending up with a very different game ideology. Which in my knowledge has not been recreated ever since. That's what makes The Settlers I + II so unique.