nideveloper / CDK-SPA-Deploy

This is an AWS CDK Construct to make deploying a single page website (Angular/React/Vue) to AWS S3 behind SSL/Cloudfront easier
MIT License
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canary/phased releass #53

Open joaomilho opened 4 years ago

joaomilho commented 4 years ago

Hi there! First of all, thanks for the work, I think it's a great initiative to have a simple and universal way to deploy SPAs.

Reading the code I don't see anything related to having some sort of control over the release quality, that is, the construct simply puts files on a S3 folder. For services – both ec2 or lambda – there are a bunch of strategies built in the CodeDeploy lib (here) that can automatically check the health of the new instances and decide how to proceed.

Have you considered some way of validating the quality of the SPA releases (even if this is decoupled from the main deployment construct), perhaps monitoring JS errors?

nideveloper commented 4 years ago

Hey, something I want to look into as part of this and as part of is to integrate this construct with the new dev preview of cdk pipelines ( I agree with you that a documented blue/green deployment process is needed

FavorWedge commented 4 years ago

The CDK is moving to distributions and this library is going need to be refactored.

nideveloper commented 4 years ago

Hey @FavorWedge can you elaborate a little on your comment?

FavorWedge commented 4 years ago

@nideveloper with the introduction of lambda@edge AWS is refactoring the CloudFront stack. Once this new format is stable I can help refactor to support.

The Distribution API is currently being built to replace the existing CloudFrontWebDistribution API. The Distribution API is optimized for the most common use cases of CloudFront distributions (e.g., single origin and behavior, few customizations) while still providing the ability for more advanced use cases. The API focuses on simplicity for the common use cases, and convenience methods for creating the behaviors and origins necessary for more complex use cases.

Amazon CloudFront Construct Library