nidi3 / raml-tester-proxy

Test if requests/responses are raml compliant as a standalone proxy
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No output from proxy #24

Closed mik01aj closed 9 years ago

mik01aj commented 9 years ago

This looks related to

The problem is, as I saw in the above issue that file:// urls are problematic, I used python -m SimpleHTTPServer to start a local server. Then I started the proxy with this server, and it loaded the RAML definitions (I saw that it reqeuested the included files), but it's still neither answering any requests nor producing any log output. It just created an empty directory for the logs, nothing more.

Here's the full command line and output (note that these lines starting with come from the Python server, not the raml-proxy):

$ raml-tester -rhttp://localhost:8000/topics/topics.raml -thttp://localhost:7770 -saaa -ftext
17:25:56.391 INFO  - : Reporting in TEXT format into: aaa - - [27/Jul/2015 17:25:56] "GET /topics/topics.raml HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [27/Jul/2015 17:25:57] "GET /topics/../include/resourceTypes/collection.yaml HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [27/Jul/2015 17:25:57] "GET /topics/../include/resourceTypes/collection-item.yaml HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [27/Jul/2015 17:25:57] "GET /topics/../include/resourceTypes/readonly-collection.yaml HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [27/Jul/2015 17:25:57] "GET /topics/../include/resourceTypes/readonly-collection-item.yaml HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [27/Jul/2015 17:25:57] "GET /topics/../include/resourceTypes/writeonly-collection.yaml HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [27/Jul/2015 17:25:57] "GET /topics/../include/resourceTypes/writeonly-collection-item.yaml HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [27/Jul/2015 17:25:57] "GET /topics/../include/traits/orderable.yaml HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [27/Jul/2015 17:25:57] "GET /topics/../include/traits/pageable.yaml HTTP/1.1" 200 -
17:25:57.951 INFO  - g.nidi.ramlproxy.ProxyServlet : Proxy started


I'm using version 0.0.4 from npm (

nidi3 commented 9 years ago

I think the problem in #22 is a missing baseUri definition in the RAML. Could this also be your case?

Anyways, 0.0.4 is a very old release. I'm going to release a new one based on raml-tester 0.8.2 which fixes the baseUri problem and logs any occurring problems.

nidi3 commented 9 years ago

Ok, there's a new version 0.8.3, can you try with it?

mik01aj commented 9 years ago

Looks like fixed. I get responses from the proxy and I see the logs in the console. Thanks.