niebert / JavascriptClassCreator

Web-based Javascript Class Creator that allows Object Oriented JS Classes supporting Inheritage of Classes, stores the Classes in Browser's LocalStorage and exports the Classes in JSON Files
GNU General Public License v3.0
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JavaScript Visual editor #1

Open ghost opened 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

Hello there. My name is Ivano Arrighetta and I'm Italian.

I would like a visual JavaScript programming editor which is browser based, generates and read JavaScript code and be able to edit forms. The editor should use a UML Class Diagram style for defining objects and a FlowChart style for defining methods/functions. I would need a list of all the callable JavaScript functions to be added to the FlowChart editor. For each function return's type there will be a pin on the left, and for each parameter accepted, one on the top. Variables are represented as boxes, as constants, and connected through wires. The execution flow is given by wires. The only very hard thing will be enforcing the right type of input/output per function. And for external JavaScript files (eg: jQuery), the parser should collect classes/methods and functions and display them as diagrams, then made them usable. (this obviously means classes can be instantiated and functions/methods can be called inside flowcharts)

Are you interested in this project? It will be OpenSource.

Thanks in advance for either.

Bye, Ivano.

ghost commented 7 years ago

P.S.: For informations on callable javascript functions, please refer to

niebert commented 7 years ago

Great Idea, Ivano, The javascriptClassGenerator is prototype for me to play around with to create WebApps for rapid development. Best regards, Bert

niebert commented 7 years ago

Dear Ivano, excuse me for responding to you now. Yes I am interested in your proposed project. Would recommend to store the Javascript projects in JSON file. Generation of code could be implemented by a template engine like handlebars. Attributes, Methods are edited with the JSON Editor by jeremy dorn. I personally would start with a Class Editor Schema for Javascript Classes and provide it too you. Will that be good starting point. ACE Editor for code editing seems to be good choice as well.

What do you think?

Best regards, Bert

niebert commented 7 years ago

Dear Ivano do you want me to add you as developer to the repository or do you prefer to create a new repository? best regards, Bert