nielsAD / lape

Scripting engine with Pascal-like syntax for FPC and Delphi
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Compile time optimization #157

Closed ollydev closed 3 years ago

ollydev commented 3 years ago

Compiling SRL went from 450ms to 280ms. I think the only other related optimization worth doing in the future would be not compiling method statement list if the method is never used.


TLapeDeclCollection is now an abstract class.

TLapeDeclarationList uses TLapeDeclCollection_Dictionary by default. There remains TLapeDeclCollection_List for when normal indexing is required which is currently only TLapeType_OverloadedMethod.

Added TLapeUniqueDictionary which is a dictionary where each bucket can only have one value. TLapeCompiler.getBaseType(Name: lpString) and Lape_IsKeyword now use this.

Optimized TLapeCompiler.getConstant and usage of it. TLapeParser.Identify Alpha() no longer appends character by character. getTokString is now called once at the end. Removed some compiling hints.