Image Cache is a very simple PHP class that accepts an image source and will compress and cache the file, move it to a new directory, and returns the new source for the image.
Do not match the functionality at all. For example:
$image = new ImageCache(
$filebase = '', $dir = null, $create_dir = true, $opts = array()
* @param $filebase (string) - The base URL that will be included in the final output for the image source; primarily used if you want the image source to be an absolute URL; defaults to relative.
* @param $dir (string/null) - The base directory that houses the image being compressed; defaults to the location of ImageCache.php.
* @param $create_dir (bool) - Whether or not to create a new directory for the compressed images; defaults to "true"
* @param $opts (array) - An array of available options that the user can include to the overwrite default settings. Mostly just for forward-compatibility at the moment.
In the code the constructor actually accepts 3 parameters, 2 of which will be deprecated soon!
The docs located at:
Do not match the functionality at all. For example:
In the code the constructor actually accepts 3 parameters, 2 of which will be deprecated soon!
Very confusing.
Error behaviour is also completely undocumented.