Closed einatnielsen closed 4 years ago
Regarding I18n, this solution may be possible:
const renderWithReactIntl = component => {
return render(<IntlProvider locale="pt">{component}</IntlProvider>)
test('it should render FormattedDate and have a formated pt date', () => {
const { container } = renderWithReactIntl(<FormatDateView />)
expect(getByTestId(container, 'date-display')).toHaveTextContent('11/03/2019')
As an approach, we would prefer using aria attributes, data-attributes and only later on, text.
Action items:
Talk about data attributes - Explanation here
Snapshots - Nik will show an example explaining his approach to snapshots
AAA - Update on current progress - Issue
Class component - Update on current progress
Page Object Pattern