nielsonm236 / NetMod-ServerApp

Reprogramming the Web_Relay_Con V2.0 HW-584 Network Module
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Real Time Clock and Time-of-Day Output Changes #49

Open nielsonm236 opened 3 years ago

nielsonm236 commented 3 years ago

This request from YouTube subscriber Miroslaw Walasik. The request is to have some form of Real Time Clock and the ability to turn outputs on and off based on Time Of Day when used only with a Browser (ie, no MQTT or upper level timing controllers). There are a couple of ways to do this: 1) Add an RTC hardware device, 2) Use NTP (which requires internet access). And, of course, it requires the user interface to allow the user to make time settings on a per output basis. In the spirit of "very low cost relay controller" NTP seems the best way to do this, although I am sure there will be some negative feedback about letting the device access the internet as it has no security features. I am also concerned that this is somewhat beyond the spirit of this device just due to the amount of user interface required. The GUI is one of the most memory "expensive" aspects of the GUI, so we need to be cautious about this kind of addition. Still, it is a nice idea if it can be implemented so this issue is opened for future consideration.

mkukik commented 3 years ago

I down vote this feature request... in my opinion it is waste of your time and resources... since this is LAN controller it's sole purpose is to be controlled over LAN and not to be programmable over LAN to a crazy extent... We could endlessly request to extend it to be controlled by ambient sensor, sound sensor and whatnot. In my opinion there are devices more suited for such purpose. If you still intent to do this or else I would keep it out of main build at least... just my 2 cents (gosh I feel I am being very negative... sorry)

mkukik commented 3 years ago

maybe better way would be to have ability to program IOs so one "I" can turn on/off several "Os"... this way external device (arduino) could control that pin based on several sensors and some logic?

nielsonm236 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the input. We've really stretched the ability of the device already, and I agree its real purpose is just an IO interface ... not a replacement for lots of logical functions. So this one will have to stay in the "think about it" category for awhile. I also think that once someone has an Arduino connected to their network they already have the ability to send commands to the Network Module and do just about any timing related thing they want to do ... assuming they know how to write that code. I need to be more resistant to adding functions that need to be provided from another device. :-)

mkukik commented 3 years ago

well... in my second comment I meant arduino (multipurpose controller) operating locally (near LAN module) while interfacing with input pin directly (not over network) could by changing input pin high/low would control other output pins on LAN module... this would have to be built into LAN module and be configurable...

Example: in LAN module config I would set that when Input1 is low turn Out2 Out3 Out4 OFF and vice versa

This way you can build any logic into simple small arduino or Tiny or ESP32 with some sensors attached or even RTC to do the local, isolated, network independent decisions... While we can still control and monitor LAN module from network...

and just to get even crazier... could we program/control that MCU through LAN module over serial interface? :) (just brainstorming)

nielsonm236 commented 3 years ago

OK - I understand now. Also please look at my comment on Issue #26. I would like to explore your offboard GUI idea.

yozik04 commented 3 years ago

I think if Arduino needs to talk to this module it should talk via serial or I2C. Not via some Input -> *Output mappings.

yozik04 commented 3 years ago

TCPSerial actually can reuse same communication logic that Arduino would use.

nielsonm236 commented 3 years ago

The problem is that those interfaces (serial, I2C) are not available on Network Module. They do not come out to pins. Only the 16 IO pins and the SWIM interface come out to accessible pins. So, where I've implemented the DS18B20 Temperature Sensors I actually had to use IO 16 and write the Maxim single wire interface to run on that pin (when the user enables that function). I had in mind using two more pins for an I2C interface, but I'm becoming convinced that is not a good idea ... not because of the pins, but because it is probably not aligned with the intended device functionality.

nielsonm236 commented 3 years ago

Ooops - I just realized that was yozik04 with that comment ... I think you already knew the above info. Are you suggesting we use the Debug UART interface? That is on IO pins as well.

nielsonm236 commented 3 years ago

By the time you do all this unique interface stuff you could as easily implement HA on a pi and have a very capable management system running on your local network.

mkukik commented 3 years ago

I think if Arduino needs to talk to this module it should talk via serial or I2C. Not via some Input -> *Output mappings.

@yozik04 It could be MCU or it could be simple high/low on Input... the idea is just that Input pin can control multiple Output pins...

mkukik commented 3 years ago

By the time you do all this unique interface stuff you could as easily implement HA on a pi and have a very capable management system running on your local network.

I agree... hence why my first comment... however my second thought was to make initial idea and beyond possible through additional micro controller (MCU) without dependency on network connectivity and central HUB (initial idea from Miroslaw Walasik)

yozik04 commented 3 years ago

Too much hassle to have a separate microcontroller. Even if you hook a separate micro to our module you have no way to sync RTC switch winter/summer times. My experience with smart house showed that "run something at this time of a day" is not a good way to do things. Days are different. Some are dark, some are light. On weekends you want a different schedule. All this complicates things too much.

nielsonm236 commented 3 years ago

And ... I'm trying to imagine what the GUI looks like to manage the many variations on "1 input pin controls 1 or more output pins".