niemopen / ntac-admin

The NTAC is a NIEMOpen Technical Steering Committee, responsible for the NIEM technical architecture. This repo contains its meeting minutes and discussion papers.
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Review the Data Modeling in NIEM Project Note #72

Open cabralje opened 5 months ago

cabralje commented 5 months ago

The NTAC has been asked to review the Data Modeling in NIEM Project Note

​From Dr. Scott:

I just pushed a new draft of the data modeling paper. This draft has everything I want to say in section 1 – all the introductory stuff that I want to have described before I talk about it in the metamodel, CMF, XSD sections. Looking for feedback like:

I want to switch from writing to coding for a while: Put out a CMF 1.0-alpha that lines up with the metamodel, fix CMFTool to work with the new CMF.

I don’t know if the paper is going to remain “data modeling in NIEM”. I don’t know what to call it yet. Seems to me there could be new sections like this:

cabralje commented 5 months ago

Section 1.2 NIEM and RDF starts with "NIEM expresses semantics in terms of RDF plus well-known RDF vocabularies...". While technically correct, I think most readers will infer from this that they need to go learn RDF, RDF-S and OWL before they can use NIEM. As we know, this is all under the covers and most people modeling in NIEM don't really need to know or use those. I think we need say something like "NIEM semantics are based on RDF, etc., but you don't need to be familiar with these to use NIEM".

cabralje commented 4 months ago

Section 1.5 introduces the term "community agreement model". We used to call this a "reference model". Is there a better name for this?

cabralje commented 4 months ago

Section 2.2.2 has "Relationships between the Augmentation, ClassType, and Property classes in the metamodel exist, but are not shown on the UML diagram." We should either include these relationships in the UML diagram or explain why they are not shown.

cabralje commented 4 months ago

Section 1.7 defines augmentation and 1.8 defines relationship properties. For completeness, shouldn't Section 1 also define classes, properties, data types, data properties, code lists, and local terms?

cabralje commented 4 months ago

We should define "domain" somewhere, probably in Section 1.5.

cabralje commented 4 months ago

Replace "builtin" either with "BUILTIN" or "built-in".

cabralje commented 4 months ago

Define "RefCodeType" in Section 2

cabralje commented 4 months ago

Define MaxOccursType in Section 2.

cabralje commented 4 months ago

Define Facet in Section 2.

cabralje commented 4 months ago

Section 2.5 includes "EXTERNAL – a non-conforming namespace that is not a builtin namespace" and "BUILTIN – a namespace in the NIEM XSD technical architecture (e.g. structures, appinfo)". The definition of EXTERNAL appears to incorrectly use the term "builtin".