nienbo / cache-buildkite-plugin

Tarball, Rsync & S3 Cache Kit for Buildkite. Supports Linux, macOS and Windows
MIT License
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[feature request] Multiple restore keys/fallback keys #20

Closed davidwallacejackson closed 3 years ago

davidwallacejackson commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to add support for multiple restore keys with priority order? I'm thinking about something along the lines of restore-keys in GitHub's cache Action:

So in the linked example, in the event of a cache miss on ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}, the runner will instead restore the newest cache with the prefix ${{ runner.os }}-node-. It can help when you're iterating on new dependencies, but the really killer feature it enables is for incremental build caching: By backing up, say, node_modules/.cache with a key of node-cache-${GIT_BRANCH}-${COMMIT_SHA}, and then using node-cache-${GIT_BRANCH}- and then node-cache-master- as restore keys, you can make sure that:

For the filesystem-backed cache backends, I'd think this could be accomplished pretty easily by lsing on a glob -- for S3 and the future Google Cloud backend, I'm pretty sure those bucket stores both have "list by prefix" APIs. If I were handier with Bash I'd just make a PR for it, but I figured I'd at least ask. Thanks for making this plugin available for all of us!

gencer commented 3 years ago

Hey @davidwallacejackson I believe this will be a good feature and doable. We should do both for tarball and s3 backend. I'll working on it ASAP.

Personal note: I also think the same. Since my packages a bit larger, newest builds rebuild the packages every change and it takes around 5 minutes. If we do this it will take few seconds incrementally.

davidwallacejackson commented 3 years ago

Brilliant, thank you so much!

gencer commented 3 years ago

I've also added new cache key templates for:

See updated README/CHANGELOG at restore-keys branch for all changes for v2.4.0

gencer commented 3 years ago


  1. Direct cache hit tried.
  2. Direct cache hit fails. Fallback to restore keys -if any-
  3. First restore key tried. No luck. Fallback to other restore keys...
  4. Second restore key tried.
  5. Cache hit. We have a matched tarball for 2nd restore key.
  6. Download matched tarball from s3
  7. Bundler uses restored tarball.
  8. Not in screenshot: New cache created and uploaded to s3. New build will use it either in first hit or by restore keys.

Please note that, if there are more than 1 tarball on disk or s3 that matches with restore key, only the most recent (LastModified) one will be used.