niessner / Matterport

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Hi, could you pls give me an example command of generating segmenation image? #29

Closed Jian-danai closed 4 years ago

Jian-danai commented 4 years ago

I learned that : mpview usage is as follows Usage: mpview [inputfiles] [options] Options: -input_house : input region segmentations file (e.g., xxx/region_segmentations/ -input_scene : input textured mesh (e.g., xxx/matterport_mesh//.obj) -input_mesh : input poisson mesh (e.g., xxx/poisson_meshes/xxx_11.ply) -input_categories : input categories tsv file (e.g., metadata/.tsv) -input_segments : input json file with face segments (e.g., xxx/object_segmentations/.fsegs.json) -input_objects : input json file with objects and labels (e.g., xxx/object_segmentations/*.semseg.json) -input_configuration : input file with images and panorama (e.g., xxx/undistorted_camera_parameters/xxx.conf) -output_image : save an image to and exit -background : background color (with each component in [0.0-1.0]) -window : window size in pixels -camera : initial camera extrinsics -batch : exit without starting interactive viewer -v : print verbose (recommended)

Typical usage for viewing house segmentations: cd scans/17DRP5sb8fy (or any other house) mpview -input_house house_segmentations/.house -v OR mpview -input_house house_segmentations/.house -input_scene matterport_mesh//.obj -v OR mpview -input_house house_segmentations/.house -input_mesh house_segmentations/.ply -v

But when I add [inputfiles] with an image file, for example: _mpview ~/mp_undistort_color/29hnd4uzFmX/undistorted_color_images/ffe91becf15c455ca85be73f029db24a_i2_4.jpg -input_segments 29hnd4uzFmX.fsegs.json -outputimage outputsegmenation.png I got this error: Invalid program argument: ~/mp_undistort_color/29hnd4uzFmX/undistorted_color_images/ffe91becf15c455ca85be73f029db24a_i2_4.jpg

Then how to input an undistorted_color_image and output a segmenation_images like this? image

fuenwang commented 4 years ago

Hi @Jian-danai , do you found out how to generate segmentation images? I also have same question :(

Jian-danai commented 4 years ago

Hi @Jian-danai , do you found out how to generate segmentation images? I also have same question :(

g-gaurav commented 4 years ago

hi @Jian-danai did you get something. if yes then pls share.