niessner / Matterport

Matterport3D is a pretty awesome dataset for RGB-D machine learning tasks :)
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how to get pixel-corresponding depth skybox? #39

Open seigeweapon opened 4 years ago

seigeweapon commented 4 years ago

Although the dataset is awesome, I find it very inconvenient not having a pixel-corresponding depth map in skybox form. It provides only color skybox. I tried using PanoBasic to stitch that out of the undistorted color/depth images, with camera extrinsics from undistorted_camera_parameters. But the result is poor. Then I tried using commercial stitching software like PTGUI, but only find it's hard because of very small overlapping area.

Anybody run into this like me? Help me please!

HalleyJiang commented 4 years ago

@seigeweapon, Hi seigeweapon, I also have the same problem. Have you solved it?

seigeweapon commented 4 years ago

No. I'm still having problem. I put my code and result here, hopefully someone can point out what's wrong. untitled

` add_path;

img_w = 1280;
img_h = 1024;

intrinsics = [
1075.72 0 636.877  0 1075.66 515.013  0 0 1
1075.94 0 629.693  0 1076.09 501.638  0 0 1
1074.61 0 630.692  0 1074.93 523.124  0 0 1

data_path = 'D:\data\matterport\17DRP5sb8fy';
scene_id = '00ebbf3782c64d74aaf7dd39cd561175';

sepImg = [];
rts = [
-0.73677 -0.438446 -0.514718 3.52064 -0.675941 0.496262 0.544819 -0.501891 0.0165615 0.749326 -0.661995 1.54282 0 0 0 1
-0.953749 0.211332 0.213781 3.50647 0.300171 0.631344 0.715054 -0.505191 0.0161444 0.746152 -0.665579 1.54289 0 0 0 1
-0.216901 0.653201 0.725453 3.49653 0.976122 0.136149 0.169259 -0.494569 0.0117899 0.744843 -0.667135 1.54292 0 0 0 1
0.736908 0.445283 0.508615 3.50076 0.675947 -0.494116 -0.546758 -0.480646 0.00785256 0.746707 -0.665106 1.54288 0 0 0 1
0.953849 -0.2045 -0.219891 3.51493 -0.300173 -0.629173 -0.716964 -0.477347 0.00826982 0.749881 -0.661521 1.54281 0 0 0 1
0.216975 -0.64635 -0.731542 3.52487 -0.976096 -0.133961 -0.171149 -0.48797 0.0126244 0.75119 -0.659965 1.54278 0 0 0 1

-0.729995 0.00798594 -0.683406 3.51324 -0.683354 0.00847387 0.730038 -0.493776 0.011621 0.999932 -0.000728289 1.57609 0 0 0 1
-0.956787 0.0123707 0.290529 3.50983 0.290574 0.00201265 0.956851 -0.49457 0.011252 0.999922 -0.00551992 1.5761 0 0 0 1
-0.226736 0.0089675 0.973915 3.50744 0.973932 -0.00501523 0.226786 -0.492015 0.00691798 0.999948 -0.00759623 1.57611 0 0 0 1
0.730089 0.00117961 0.683352 3.50846 0.683346 -0.00558174 -0.730073 -0.488665 0.00295295 0.999984 -0.00488087 1.5761 0 0 0 1
0.956842 -0.00320491 -0.290592 3.51187 -0.29059 0.000879651 -0.956847 -0.487872 0.00332209 0.999995 -8.92584e-05 1.57609 0 0 0 1
0.226765 0.000198574 -0.97395 3.51426 -0.97392 0.0079074 -0.226756 -0.490427 0.00765625 0.999969 0.00198689 1.57608 0 0 0 1

-0.728354 0.466698 -0.50169 3.52095 -0.68513 -0.485575 0.542967 -0.501795 0.00979302 0.739196 0.673419 1.60931 0 0 0 1
-0.957507 -0.186404 0.220078 3.50678 0.288256 -0.643483 0.709111 -0.505095 0.00943564 0.742417 0.669871 1.60938 0 0 0 1
-0.229106 -0.649703 0.724843 3.49683 0.973388 -0.156822 0.167099 -0.494473 0.00510657 0.743837 0.668342 1.60941 0 0 0 1
0.728431 -0.45989 0.507828 3.50106 0.685118 0.487735 -0.541043 -0.48055 0.00113495 0.742035 0.67036 1.60938 0 0 0 1
0.957545 0.193218 -0.213947 3.51523 -0.288278 0.645618 -0.707159 -0.477251 0.00149246 0.738813 0.673908 1.60931 0 0 0 1
0.229118 0.656498 -0.718691 3.52517 -0.973381 0.158939 -0.165128 -0.487873 0.00582165 0.737394 0.675438 1.60928 0 0 0 1

idx = 1;
for j = 1:3
    intrinsic = transpose(reshape(intrinsics(j,:), [3,3]));
    fx = intrinsic(1,1);
    fy = intrinsic(2,2);
    cx = intrinsic(1,3);
    cy = intrinsic(2,3);
    crop_x_start = 1;
    crop_x_end = img_w;
    crop_y_start = 1;
    crop_y_end = img_h;
    if cx * 2 <= img_w
        crop_x_end = round(cx*2);
        crop_x_start = round(1 + cx*2 - img_w);
    if cy * 2 <= img_h
        crop_y_end = round(cy*2);
        crop_y_start = round(crop_y_start + cy*2 - img_h);

    hfov = 2 * atan(((crop_x_end - crop_x_start + 1) / 2 / fx));

    for i = 1:6
        img = im2double(imread(fullfile(data_path, 'undistorted_color_images', ...
            sprintf('%s_i%d_%d.jpg', scene_id, j-1, i-1))));

        % get yaw roll pitch from rt
        rt = transpose(reshape(rts((j-1)*6+i,:), [4,4]));
        r = rt(1:3,1:3);
        yrp = num2cell(rotm2eul(r));
        [yaw roll pitch] = yrp{:};
        pitch = pitch - 1.57;
        fprintf("%f %f %f %f\n", yaw, roll, pitch, hfov);

        % rotate image
        img = imrotate(img, -roll * 180 / pi, 'bilinear', 'crop');

        % crop image so that camera center is image center
        img = img(crop_y_start:crop_y_end,crop_x_start:crop_x_end,:);

        sepImg(idx).img = img;
        sepImg(idx).vx = -yaw;
        sepImg(idx).vy = pitch;
        sepImg(idx).fov = hfov;
        sepImg(idx).sz = size(sepImg(idx).img);
        idx = idx + 1;

panocolor = combineViews( sepImg, 2048, 1024 );
figure; imshow(panocolor);


manurare commented 3 years ago

@seigeweapon @HalleyJiang Any update on this? I rendered the depth for skybox images using blender but it is still not perfectly aligned. Does anybody know the exact poses for the skybox images?

HalleyJiang commented 3 years ago

The authors even could not reply about the exact poses for the skybox images. We can just approximately align the depth to the panoramas from the skybox images. It's ok for panorama depth estimation. Please refer to our work on preprocessing Matterport3D(

manurare commented 3 years ago

Hey Thanks for the answer. On the repo you sent, there is a function called stitch in stitching_Matterport3D.m. There is no implementation of that function and matlab doesnt find it. Am I missing anything?

HalleyJiang commented 3 years ago

You need to download PanoBasic first. Please carefully read the README.

manurare commented 3 years ago

I did it. But there is not stitch function anywhere and raises an error

HalleyJiang commented 3 years ago

We missed some .m files. We have added them. Please try again.