niessner / Matterport

Matterport3D is a pretty awesome dataset for RGB-D machine learning tasks :)
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How does MatterPort reconstruct textured mesh using just these panoramas? #43

Open Uncle-Justice opened 3 years ago

Uncle-Justice commented 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for the excellent work.

The paper said MatterPort provide textured mesh following [21] and [25]. [21] is Poisson Surface Reconstruction while [25] is 3d reconstruction using voxel hashing. The code of [25] was too old to run. So I turned to BundleFusion as it also refered this method. But apparently, BundleFusion can not renconstruct good mesh using pics in MatterPort. The reason is the MatterPort data are captured viewpoints instead of continuous frames. I just wonder how you reconstruct textured mesh using your data? Could you give me a more specific idea? Thanks.