niessner / Matterport

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Why the undistorted camera camera-to-world matrix is different from that of matterport_camera_poses? #53

Open cwchenwang opened 2 years ago

cwchenwang commented 2 years ago

For example, in scene 8WUmhLawc2A, the undistorted pose is scan 01b439d39a8f412fa1837be7afb45254_d0_0.png 01b439d39a8f412fa1837be7afb45254_i0_0.jpg 0.863804 0.361417 0.351025 -5.69715 0.502959 -0.577708 -0.642872 2.5578 -0.0295543 0.731867 -0.680806 1.41593 0 0 0 1, but in matterport_camera_poses/01b439d39a8f412fa1837be7afb45254_pose_0_0.txt it is 0.863804 -0.361417 -0.351025 -5.69715 0.502959 0.577708 0.642872 2.5578 -0.0295543 -0.731867 0.680806 1.41593 0 0 0 1. Namely, the second and third column has a different sign if viewed it as a 4x4 matrix.