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Windows 10: Slow performance in imageWrapping example with different Terra version #157

Open SummerUnre opened 4 years ago

SummerUnre commented 4 years ago

With CUDA 10.2 in Windows 10, I have built the Opt and Terra(LLVM 6.01) from master branch. Then the examples/imageWrapping is successfully built and It is able to run normally,

However, the time of every iteration is really long ( > 40s) with the figure shown below with this hardware config: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @3.2GHz 3.19GHz RAM: 16GB GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080


However, when I replace the pre-built Terra with version (Release 1.0.0-beta1) and run the imageWrapping.exe again, it is found that the computation time reduces to (~15s) shown below


Terra seems like the key to the speed of the program. Is there any clues for the root cause of this problem? Thanks!

SZNero commented 3 years ago

would you please tell me how to build on windows 10?


D:\github_repositories\Opt\API>set OPT_DIR=D:\github_repositories\Opt\API\

D:\github_repositories\Opt\API>D:\github_repositories\Opt\API\common\optMake.bat D:\github_repositories\Opt\releaseVersion_online\terra D:\github_repositories\Opt\API\ false

D:\github_repositories\Opt\API>echo Remaking Opt.dll Remaking Opt.dll

D:\github_repositories\Opt\API>set TERRAHOME=D:\github_repositories\Opt\releaseVersion_online\terra

D:\github_repositories\Opt\API>set TERRA=D:\github_repositories\Opt\releaseVersion_online\terra\bin\terra.exe

D:\github_repositories\Opt\API>set OPT_DIR=D:\github_repositories\Opt\API\

D:\github_repositories\Opt\API>set OPT_FULL_BUILD=false

D:\github_repositories\Opt\API>D:\github_repositories\Opt\releaseVersion_online\terra\bin\terra.exe D:\github_repositories\Opt\API\src\createwrapper.t Opt D:\github_repositories\Opt\API\src o D:\github_repositories\Opt\API\release\include\Opt.h .\Opt.dll false

i do this but nothing happened.