niessner / VoxelHashing

[Siggraph Asia 2013] Large-Scale, Real-Time 3D Reconstruction
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CUDA version doesn't start properly #4

Closed adamfpp closed 8 years ago

adamfpp commented 8 years ago

Hi, When I'm trying to start the CUDA version of this application I'm getting Unhandeld Exception at line 93 (and 92) in KinectSensor.cpp (DepthSensing.exe!KinectSensor::createFirstConnected() Line 93 C++).

Any idea how to fix that? I'm using Windows 10 and GTX 960M (it does support CUDA, non-CUDA version of Voxel Hashing failes to create D3D device)

Thank you in advance

EDIT: I'm using Kinect v2 and in the .txt files with settings I've changed sensor ID's to Kinect v2