niftools / nifskope

A git repository for nifskope.
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Export in FBX #148

Open juliolitwin opened 5 years ago

juliolitwin commented 5 years ago

Is there any possibility of adding support for exporter in fbx? Nifskope is unique able to read my nifs perfectly with the animations.

Xehanort88 commented 5 years ago

I wonder this too, if work is still done on this.

neomonkeus commented 5 years ago

There is currently no active develop for this project.

As far as it goes, the plugin system would be down the list of priorities as there are issues with the underlying format that need to be resolved, then an abstraction layer for the data, nif version agnostic, which would then all plugging into some form of format conversion library, as the current state of the plugin framework for Nifskope is not maintainable and would require a rewrite. Assimp was floated a few times, but again that would be the last step.

Xehanort88 commented 5 years ago

That's quite sad, thanks. So what do you recommend for animations?