nigelpoulton / ddd-book

Docker Deep Dive book
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Typo: multi-contianer #1

Open HeerlijkeHeer opened 9 months ago

HeerlijkeHeer commented 9 months ago

Hello Nigel:

I hate to be this guy, but you accidentally put a typo in your "multi-contianer" directory.

I started reading your book yesterday, and I absolutely love it. It's definitely in my top 3 best technical books I've ever read (and I've read many). I want to thank you for that! I appreciate the hard work you've put into the book, keeping it up-to-date and making everything easy to understand.

If the only contribution I can have to your masterpiece is an insignificant typo, so be it :D

nigelpoulton commented 2 months ago

Hi @HeerlijkeHeer

Thanks so much for spotting the typo :-D

Really appreciate you bringing this to my attention.

Feel free to ping me privately at the book's email address and I'll see if I can get you a copy of the 2024 edition that I'm going to publish this week.