It's possible the default eviction strategy of "always evict" could be improved upon, here's some preliminary data. Based on luma61.run64, which is a tweaked version of the latest experimental branch. It doesn't matter much what the build is as the point is to compare between strategies.
qoi-l61r64: Vanilla for comparison
qoi-l61r64c*: A cache strategy described below
//Increment a value whenever an index is used
//When we try to evict an index we check this value. On zero we evict,
//otherwise the value is reduced depending on strategy:
// 0: vanilla, always evict
// 1: After failing to evict, set to zero
// 2: After failing to evict, decrement
// 3: After failing to evict, divide by 2
// 4: After failing to evict, divide by 4
// 5: After failing to evict, divide by 8
// 6: After failing to evict, divide by 16
Performance tanks hard so even if it was a decent gain in compression (it isn't) it still wouldn't be viable. It's hard to see how a strategy can be implemented with less performance impact but maybe someone smarter can figure something out. It's most likely a dead end.
It's possible the default eviction strategy of "always evict" could be improved upon, here's some preliminary data. Based on luma61.run64, which is a tweaked version of the latest experimental branch. It doesn't matter much what the build is as the point is to compare between strategies.
qoi-l61r64: Vanilla for comparison qoi-l61r64c*: A cache strategy described below
Performance tanks hard so even if it was a decent gain in compression (it isn't) it still wouldn't be viable. It's hard to see how a strategy can be implemented with less performance impact but maybe someone smarter can figure something out. It's most likely a dead end.