You have a method in your ASWeekSelectorView class that returns an NSString, however I don't see anyplace where you're actually using that method for anything. If I'm reading it right, it will return an NSString of the particular week that you're paging to via swiping left or right. I was wondering if that might be an option for limiting the weeks that are available to swipe between. Can you give me an idea how I'd access that method and return that NSString result back to my main ViewController? I really need to have better control over the amount of weeks that are available to swipe between and could use your assistance with some clear direction. Thanks.
(NSString )accessibilityScrollStatusForScrollView:(UIScrollView )scrollView {
NSString format = NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Week of %@", @"ASWeekSelectorView", @"Accessibility description when paging through weeks. Supplied %@ is string for the start date.");
NSDate startDate = [self.singleWeekViews[1] startDate];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:format, [self.accessibilityDateFormatter stringFromDate:startDate]];
You have a method in your ASWeekSelectorView class that returns an NSString, however I don't see anyplace where you're actually using that method for anything. If I'm reading it right, it will return an NSString of the particular week that you're paging to via swiping left or right. I was wondering if that might be an option for limiting the weeks that are available to swipe between. Can you give me an idea how I'd access that method and return that NSString result back to my main ViewController? I really need to have better control over the amount of weeks that are available to swipe between and could use your assistance with some clear direction. Thanks.