nighthawkcoders / APCSP

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Project Week 1 | APCSP #65

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

Project Week 1 | APCSP

Scrum Board, Issues, Tangibles

realethantran commented 2 years ago

Team Review Ticket Period 4 Table 9 Ethan Tran - Scrum Master Taiyo Iwazaki - Frontend Luna Iwazaki - Frontend Rohin Sood - DevOps Parav Salaniwal - Backend

Graded in review ticket

avac54765 commented 2 years ago

Cool Coders Review Ticket- Period 4 Mortensen Ava C - Scrum Master Alexa C - Frontend Shruthi D - DevOps Antony Y - Backend

I am not a big fan of "no talking"... However, you did the "no talking" very well. This is a great skill as you prepare for CB Project. At the end of the video it was great with the wire frames, explanation of API changes, and going through the API add.resources file. This gave me a lot of confidence in your future success and pulling things together. Missing from this format, is my clear understanding of distinct roles. Though I remember Shruthi section on Deployment. 4.7/5

safinsingh commented 2 years ago

Period 4 Mortensen

Team ticket:

Safin - SCRUM Master Alex - Backend Navan - DevOps Kalani - Frontend

4.5 score. All individual details are well done. Missing is a bigger vision of projects and how pieces are building to a final project. I would like to see more on Scrum and purpose. Looks like team is working well with each other.

Toby-Leeder commented 2 years ago

Group Video Toby Leeder Nathan Capule Gene Chang Caleb Navarro

The Chess Board and code to support it seem very interesting. Chess has a lot of logic and figuring out how to position and how to keep track of all pieces and possibilities is very algorithmic. The ideas of requesting features is really cool and leverages off of things we are doing well. Overview of key points in deployment and doing and update was nice, you could have edited out bad parts in video making. I am disappointed to have an overview of Jokes and it seems like it is not tied into the theme of the project. Not sure what possessed this and it may be a sign of lack of collaboration within group. 4.4/5

drewreed2005 commented 2 years ago

Group Video Drew Reed, Trent Cardall, Jagger Klein Devon was absent

Three of you were very good at describing your technical accomplishments and learnings. DevOps on Deployment was nicely done. Update was nice. Perhaps talking how you are managing activities in GitHub would be nice add. HTML overview was done well and show exploration and invention. My concern here is on margins vs using some of the fragment strategies built into Fastpages, but what you did is great learning. Drew was sharing many code fragments that were very interesting and shows ability to take ideas and apply them in new domains. I did get a little lost in overall theme and purpose from the details. 4.7/5, Devon will receive 2.5/5 until some makeup is done, perhaps he could work on one of my comments for improvement.

emmaxshen commented 2 years ago

Team Vase Review Ticket Sarah - Backend Developer Emma Shen - Scrum Master Amay - DevOp Vivian - Frontend Developer

Graded in review ticket

vardaansinha commented 2 years ago

Group Video ( Akshat Parikh: Backend Samit Poojary: Frontend David Vasilev: Scrum Master Vardaan Sinha: DevOps

There is a lot of material and a lot of fast talking. I always advise less talking and captions and visuals. On some of the process stuff you could highlight. As far as content I like seeing the CSV as you could make updates to that without changing other code, that is showing some invention on things we did not talk about. In general, you have done a lot of thinking and work. I believe you plan could use another pass to get you all on the same page. But, there seems to be a lot of learning and progress. Video is a little long. 4.5/5

JakeWarren2414 commented 2 years ago

annikaliao commented 2 years ago

Group Video Scrum Master: Annika Dev Ops: Haeryn Frontend/Backend Developer: Sophia

TayKimmy commented 2 years ago

Yeung's Period 4 Group Video Link Arnav Kanekar: Scrum Master Aditya Nawandhar: Frontend Luke Angelini: DevOps Tay Kim: Backend

nsk1207 commented 2 years ago

Group Video Nathan Kim (Backend) Sri (DevOps) Max (Scrum Master) Alyssa (Frontend)

There is some good energy and exploration. The deployment process is off to good start. But, a lot of the energy does not seem to be consistent with requirements. It is not clear that you have different Apps for FE and BE. Pong game is a Terminal game and not a browser based game. Wordle dictionary seems to be in a text file vs an API. I would like to see Design - Wireframes in a different medium, versus paper. These are all good starts and explorations. 4.4/5

Emaad-Mir commented 2 years ago

Mortenson Period 4 Link to group review ticket Emaad Mir - Scrum Master Edwin Abraham - Frontend Developer Jishnu Singiresu - Backend Developer Luka Van Den Boomen - DevOps

scored on group review ticket

A1234l commented 2 years ago

Yeung Period 4 Group Video, please do at 1.5x speed

Steven Zhu: Scrum Master Noor Bijapur: Frontend Ederick Wong: DevOps Alan Liu-Sui and Liav Bar: Backend

kayleehou commented 2 years ago

Period 4 Mortensen Kaylee (scrum master) Nicolas (frontend) Ben (DevOps) Trey (backend) project week 1 video

This is a real interesting journey and progression video. You are illustrating your ideas and plans, through your experiments. I like hearing about the mistakes, experiments, and resolutions. You are showing positive journey, just as long as you do things like change the code and elements as you described it. The journey visuals are tricky, in animation you usually need to change entire image, not just a bit for an FYI. I would like you to really thing about how you are going to get to that journey/escape room step, not really described. 4.5/5

annikaliao commented 2 years ago

Team review ticket Scrum Master: Annika Dev Ops: Haeryn Frontend/Backend Developer: Sophia

TayKimmy commented 2 years ago

Week 9 Review Ticket for TAAL

AniCricKet commented 2 years ago

Team Lyntax Period 5 Yeung Combined Video

Lucas (Scrum Master) Ryan (DevOps) Aniket (Backend Developer) Soham (Frontend Developer)

sreejagangapuram commented 2 years ago

Sreeja - Scrum Master Aliya - Frontend Developer Claire - Backend Developer Ananya was absent. Group Issue with video link.

dashpen commented 2 years ago


BobTheFarmer commented 2 years ago

Issue for week 1 of group project

yuricoder07 commented 2 years ago

Group Members:

Yuri - Backend Sachit - Backend Tanay - Scrum Master Raunak - DevOps Harsha - Frontend Group Video

Krishiv111 commented 2 years ago

Group VIdeo

Krishiv-Scrum Master Shivansh-Devops Advay-Frontend Prasith-frontend Dhruva- Backend

Azeem-Khan1 commented 2 years ago

The Dream Team (Mr. Yeung period 04)

Click here for video link

Team member Role
Chinmay R. Scrum Master
Varaprasad N. Development Operator
Azeem K. Frontend Developer
Colin M. Backend Developer
Ryanrob327 commented 2 years ago

Group Video

Ryan - Scrum Master Josh - Frontend Khalid - Backend Jeffery - DevOps Chris - Frontend Eli - Backend

I am seeing a lot of focus out of this team during the past week. I would have liked to have seen Jeffery and Joshua in video. Video seems to play twice. Ryan had a good introduction. Kalid and Eli seem to understand vision of getting data to frontend. Chris was showing some frontend progress. I will provide 4.5/5 for everyone in video. 4.2/5 for those that did not participate.

lwu1822 commented 2 years ago

Team Berries Issue

Group Members: Ishi: Frontend Lily: Backend Ekam: DevOps Shreyas: Scrum Master

kushsirohi123 commented 2 years ago

Video P3T5 Scrum Master: Theo DevOps: Kush Frontend: Mani Backend: Kaiden

Graded on review ticket

rey444 commented 2 years ago

Week 9 Review Ticket Video Shreya Sapkal: Scrum Master + DevOps Sanika Shahapurkar: Backend Developer + DevOps Jiya Savlani: Backend Developer Noor Grewal: Frontend Developer

This was fun to watch, though it was a bit long. You have reflected a lot of knowledge trials and learnings. I really like the picture showing relationships of AWS and Fastpages and how you used it to clarify work. It was nice to see that you actually used debugging. All of you seem very well coordinated and have started with appropriate baby steps to get API working. You provide a lot of confidence that you will be successful. 4.8/5

TheGerbil21 commented 2 years ago

Mortensen Period 3 Group Video Issue Ticket

Jeffrey Lee (Scrum Master) Luke Riggins (DevOps) Ethan Truong (Frontend Developer) James Armstrong (Backend Developer)

Updated on review ticket.

RohanAgr commented 2 years ago

group video

comment here!

Dillon: Scrum Master Derek: Frontend Developer Rohan: Backend Developer Saavan: DevOps

keiraokimoto commented 2 years ago

Group Video Link

Scrum Master: Keira O. Frontend Dev: Ellie P. Backend Dev: Giannina O. DevOps: Zeen D.

This shows listening to instructions on speaking less word and showing more work. You shared many files in conjunction with brief overviews that shared a lot of learning, understanding, and experiments. The API not updated is probably a result of configuration posted to update Nginx configuration to allow PUT. I believe I posted solution. Involvement and participation by everyone was strong. Ideas seem strong as well. 4.7/50

shruthim0 commented 2 years ago

Project Week 1 Issue Scrum Master: Justin Frontend: Joselyn Devops: Shruthi Backend: Jeongwoo

STG-7 commented 2 years ago

Here is our Project Week 1 Update Video

Scrum Master: Shaurya Goel Teacher: Mr. Mortensen Period: 4

All of you seem well focused on Mine Sweeper task and I see attempts being made in all the right areas to get functionality to work. Everyone discussed role and participation. FYI, Name and Password are usually sent in a POST with credentials in options or header sent with url. I would suggest a little more modeling on Frontend and control for Mine Sweeper game. 4.6/5

lydia-c2 commented 2 years ago

Friendship Table Project Week 1 Yeung Period 4 Group Video Issue Ticket

yuricoder07 commented 2 years ago

Group Members:

Yuri - Backend Sachit - Backend Tanay - Scrum Master Raunak - DevOps Harsha - Frontend Group Video (Our video link got deleted from yesterday so we remade the post)

Ananyag2617 commented 2 years ago

Was absent when my team presented. Ananya-Backend Developer: ([My video]

yuricoder07 commented 2 years ago

Group Members:

Yuri - Backend Sachit - Backend Tanay - Scrum Master Raunak - DevOps Harsha - Frontend (Our video link got deleted from yesterday so we remade the post) Group Video Issue

PaarasPurohit commented 2 years ago

Paaras' Review Ticket Scrum Master - Samarth DevOps - Paaras Frontend Developer - AJ Backend Developer - Haoxuan

nikhilc3 commented 2 years ago

Scrum Master - Nikhil DevOps - Matti Frontend - Qais Backend - Vyaan

jameshunter12 commented 1 year ago

Team Ticket-

DevOps - Yasha Frontend - James Backend - Aaron Scrum Master - Quinn