nighthawkcoders / platformer3x

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Start Coding, Pull Requests Guide!! ✨🙀💯 | CSSE #8

Open aidenhuynh opened 3 months ago

aidenhuynh commented 3 months ago

Making a Fork

Note: you may have already done this step

To start, you will need a "fork" of a GitHub repository. In this case, we will use platformer3x. This will create a copy of the repository to save your changes to the code without them being saved on the original (so that we don't accidentally break Mr. Mortensen's code). You will only need one of these per team.

  1. To do this, navigate to a repository and click the fork button on the top-right.

fork image

  1. Fill in the name/description however you want

Screen Shot 2024-03-25 at 1 10 45 PM

  1. Invite your team members as collaborators through the settings section on GitHub.


  1. Next, you can clone your new fork in VSCode and start coding! Hurrah!!

Saving your Changes

  1. Most of this should be review, but after making a change to your cloned fork, you should stage changes in Source Control and commit them with a message.

Screen Shot 2024-03-25 at 1 13 42 PM

  1. Next, if you are working with others, you should run git pull in the terminal (ctrl + `) to make sure you are up to date with the changes made by your team.

  2. Now, you can safely sync changes to your repository.

  3. After, it's good practice to make sure you're up to date with the upstream repository (Mr. Mort's) by running git pull origin main

Making a Pull Request

Before having our changes saved on Mr. Mortensen's original repository (platformer3x), you will need to make a pull request, which is a way of requesting to have your code uploaded to the original.

  1. Navigate to this section on platformer3x

Screen Shot 2024-03-25 at 1 48 51 PM

  1. Then, compare across forks and find your fork

The following images are sourced from GitHub documentation



  1. Add a title and description to your pull request. This part is very important to make sure the maintainers know what you are trying to change so we can avoid breaking the code. You generally want to talk about what changes you are making with code blocks and images as examples.

Here are some example pull requests:

GitHub Formatting Tips


To create headers, you can use varying amounts of hashtags before your text. More hashtags = smaller text. For example, the header of this section was written like this:

### Headers

Code Blocks

But how did I make the code block for the previous section? With backticks! (`)

You can use sets of three to create large code blocks, with the language of the code defined (to automatically color it) next to the backticks like so:

``` javascript
// your code here!
function example() {
   return true

You can also use pairs of backticks in single lines to have this effect.

Images & Links

To hyperlink things in Markdown like this do this: [Text](url)

To do images, do the same thing but with an exclamation point in front. However, you usually just copy/paste or drag & drop images into the issue.

![Alternate text](image_url)

jm1021 commented 3 months ago

Pull Two Issues/PRs

This week we want you to pull two issues.

  1. Get questions and answers resolved early. I expect one pull request early in the week.
  2. Make sure each pull has an Issue that describes change(s).
  3. Make sure to pull and test in your own fork prior to completing pull request.
  4. Make sure your commits have comments.
  5. Scrum master should coordinate pull request with other tables and ensure testing in the main platformer3x code base.
  6. Make updates/revisions based off of reviews from others, show history.