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CSP Check Point #1 CPT Ideation #A #62

Open jm1021 opened 6 months ago

jm1021 commented 6 months ago

Ideation Rules

The CPT project can and should be worked on in teams, it is almost assumed in College Board CPT write-up. Team will use this timeline for Teaching and JWT. Team will need to maintain their own Project Time for their features that correspond to CheckPoints in this calendar.

Teacher starters, generative AI code and 3rd party can be used. However, it needs to be cited, which is part of our ethical computing learnings. My recommendation is to use starter code from flask_portfolio and teacher_portfolio. That you and group spend time refactoring code to be appropriate basis to start program, and that your program follows the REST API and Database paradigm.


Everyone is suppose to pick a project of there interests, Teacher assist and encourage on great choices. JWT login should be a feature in all your projects, but this NOT for CPT. Submission for individuals should be on a different portion of the system. It should be realized that JWT will allow us to co-operatively practice ALL CPT requirements. We will co-develop CPT, share concepts across class, do write-ups across class, and make videos on our lesson elements. All of this will include student and teacher review. In the end, you should be highly skilled in language, process, and procedure for College Board.

Ideation Requirements

Requirements from CPT and my College Board extracted comments are provided and emphasis for this phase is extracted... Innovation, CPT Project Team

College Board Documentation.

Be aware of the rules and requirement from the source. Take the time to read the 5 or 6 pages of CPT documenation.

College Board Test Requirement for CPT, Page 167 image


jm1021 commented 6 months ago

Checkpoint #1 indicators

Teams will start projects with Brain Write/Ideation, Design Documents. Performing these tasks will help students work more effectively in teams. Indicators will be broken into two steps...

Checkpoint A. Plan/In Progress.

Checkpoint B Plan/Code ready

Design Assets

Get comfortable with the design step. Spend the time and effort to go from uncomfortable 'till you get start to get a little feel. Iteration starts with uncomfortable.

iKAN2025 commented 6 months ago

CSP Check Point #1 CPT Ideation #A

Team: Isabel, Vibha, Justin, Anusha

Team Review Ticket:

Team Member Tangibles
Vibha Issue Profile
Anusha Documentation, Set Up Tasks
Justin Stress Backend Model
Isabel Issue Backend Login
