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Creative and Collaborative Culture, Ideation #83

Closed jm1021 closed 6 months ago

jm1021 commented 8 months ago

Fun in software engineering is when Project Teams have a collaborative culture. My favorite projects inside a company have been when the division is not accountable for Profit and Loss P&L, just responsible for building something to change the world. Education can create a lot of those creative elements, you learn freely, only accountability is to points/grade (or should I say indicators)

Creative, Collaborative, and Quality Culture

jm1021 commented 8 months ago

Start the new year right by ...

As a Team, make your own 3 to 5 lines Team manifesto. Share it in your next Team review for extra 'indicators'.

As an Invidual, Comment below for extra personal 'indicators' at next review. Make a link to your link in next review. Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom? What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? How would you measure success in your team? In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

What would you code to make something productive? I was getting gas recently and they had messages about TikTok, OpenAI, Bitcoin... 10 years ago, I new little of any of these. They were all ideas trying to meet a need.

In your comments, say something about someone else's comment in this blog. Make a link from your comment to there comment.

TheoH32 commented 8 months ago

I would code a page full of coding materials for APCSP given absolute freedom. To motivate me to be productive, I wish there was less outside work with office hours and student lessons so I could focus on one project. I would measure success based on how much people would use the website maybe looking at how many users in the database or how much they accomplish through my project. I will maintain motivation by allowing my teammates to integrate their own ideas to allow creative freedom. To code something productive, I would make the site open source and allow people to add to whatever material I would already have.

raunak2007 commented 8 months ago

I would code a website that could generate resources for studying for math/science competitions using prompts utilizing the GPT-4 API. Given that there are a lack of resources for studying for STEM competitions, there is a lot of potential for using large language models such as GPT-4 to help create materials that can be used for studying. This would lead to more productivity because a lot of people working in this area are busy with other activities in high school and potentially in college. I would maintain motivation by allowing my teammates to be creative in the design and features of this website because it will definitely be the first of its kind. In addition, given the exciting novelty of ChatGPT and tools similar to it, most teammates will be motivated to work on adapting it to help create study resources.

DasMoge124 commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? I would code a page providing resources to help students perform well in their AP Courses (except for AP Chemistry). It would give some PDF textbooks, past exams, mock exams, flashcards, and more. Students can use a search bar to trigger a complete search algorithm to search through the entire database until it finds the desired resource. What will motivate me will be that there is more time in class to work on my project; that way, I will have more time to do it, which will provide me more time to do others things I need to do, indicating less stress for me, which I will maintain my motivation by maintaining the mindest for the project. I would measure the success of my team by using a Scrum board and checking in with them frequently.

vardaansinha commented 8 months ago

Q1: If I was given absolute freedom, I would code a web application which would allow for security vulnerabilities, such as CVEs, to be displayed (with sample code) and demonstrated with injections. There would be an educational component along with this which would provide possible code snippets/scripting mechanisms to mitigate such vulnerabilities. I would likely focus this web application on Windows OS vulnerabilities.

Q2: To be productive each day given the freedom to code what I want, I would need to be working on a project that truly aligns with my interests beyond school, and possibly for a career. This would make it so that the project would be more career-oriented and useful for my future, therefore motivating me to put in more effort.

Q3: To measure success in our team, that would be not only based on how many commits a person has, but also how much a person collaborates. Being responsive in group meetings and verbally contributing to team ideas also measures a person's success in a team.

Q4: I believe that maintaining motivation will be relatively easy if the project is a shared vision amongst all group members. If all group members are able to see the real-world applications, for example of the cybersecurity project that I mentioned as something I would code if given absolute freedom, everyone will be passionate about working on the project and providing their own spin on it. There would be many interested consumers, given the fact that there are thousands of students in our country and across the globe who compete in cybersecurity-based competitions, and there are many companies who look for modern cybersecurity solutions to active threats.

Q5: From last year, Reem from Period 2 commented that maintaining motivation involves a work-life balance: "Encourage work-life balance: Allowing team members to have a healthy work-life balance can help to reduce burnout and maintain motivation over the long term." I feel that this is a very important point to touch upon - working 24/7 is not going to bring out the best ideas and will likely bring out a tired product.

Q6: To make something productive, I would try to code a CNN model which would be able to identify different types of respiratory disease by analyzing audio inputs on a computer or phone mic. That would integrate a lot of AI and machine learning and would likely be a lengthy, well thought-out project. This would be applicable to many people affected by such infections.

YLu-1258 commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? I'd like to experiment with embedded systems and hardware to create a physical project that would integrate some AI ideas that I might have. An idea could be Mixed-reality technology for human-computing interaction, which would help with fields in teleoperating robots or sensory deprivation. AI algorithms like CNNs and RNNs could be used to process visual and audio triggers. Plus, making such a project gives me a physical product to make money with.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? I wouldn't be working on a project I wouldn't be motivated to finish. But if I wanted to ensure motivation for myself in any project, it's more about learning new technologies and frameworks that would expand my skillset for future careers and projects. Everything new I learn has a contribution.

What would you code to make something productive? I want to see if I could make an audio recognition model that could recognize different foreign accents for the English language. My dad struggles with our Tesla's voice recognition because his accent confuses the model. It'll be cool to see if we could use foreign accents and syllables and integrate that with an existing system to make it recognize other accents better. Or perhaps we can create a model that continually learns from the user's own inputs.

DavidVasilev1 commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

I would create a photography website for my business, creating a page for purchasing my photos in print using security techniques and also a portfolio to showcase my work.

How would you measure success in your team?

Working on something that I enjoy helps create motivation and lead to success. To maintain motivation, I would create a website that is perfected in every way possible. By working towards perfection, I would always be working on the project, staying motivated to work on it. Measuring success would be defined by how close the end product is to the goal.

What would you code to make something productive?

Something productive in life that can be improved through code is some program or website that helps organize your tasks. Another program that could be helpful is some program that can help you study material by finding and giving resources in the form of study methods that are found most useful for you. Another program that can help is something to manage your finances/taxes/investments.

F1nnC commented 8 months ago

Team Manifesto

1) No Man Alone: Nobody will be left with all the work, everyone will put in an equal effort 2) Quality over Quantity: Ideas should be decided on by the entire team to ensure quality and compatibility with the project 3) Daily Progress: Everyone should have some sort of commit daily showing some sort of progress 4) Communication: Meetings are held daily to keep the team on track

Team Members


1) If I were given absolute freedom I would code a fake bank website that people can put money into but can't take money out of.

2) Infinite Money so I don't have to work anymore. One problem I might have to face is someone stealing or trying to take over my website.

3) Something I could code that is productive would be an all-in-one hub that would take data from Canvas and Syngery so you only have to go to one site.

Ryanrob327 commented 8 months ago
  1. I would like to code a website that provides learning resources like instructional videos and lessons to help people learn programming and engineering.
  2. By using new technology and techniques I will maintain my motivation by learning something new while also making something tangible.
  3. My idea of a a productive project is the same as my passion project, they make it easier to learn programming for people who may be struggling.
Emaad-Mir commented 8 months ago
  1. Given absolute freedom, I would want to code an application that makes it easier for people (especially seniors) to fill out their college applications. Since I am going to have to complete those later this year, having an application that makes it easier for me to figure out what to put on the applications would definitely be helpful to both myself and potentially other people who need to complete their college applications.
  2. Knowing that I can code up whatever I want and still have fun would motivate me, as I know that doing that project would make a good use of my time. If I were to code something that makes it easier to write my college applications, I would be motivated by the fact that a tool like that will help me get into some good colleges, some of which I can only dream of attending.
  3. I would measure success in my team by having a system in place to keep track of the progress made on the project. This system would be weekly, meaning that it would capture the progress my team made in the week. If I see that there are tangibles/issues that indicate making progress on the project, then that to me would be great indicators of success. If I see that there are not very many tangibles/issues for that week, then that indicates that we will need to rethink our approach to make more progress and thus succeed for the next week.
  4. I would code something in Python or Java using a coding space such as Unity or something similar. I am most familiar with Python and Java and am always looking to try out new engines for my projects, so I think I would be the most productive with those things in mind.
dolphinalt commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

If I were given absolute freedom over what I could code, I would work with some sort of physical object, as I think that having a physical representation of my work would be extremely cool and inspiring. Recently, I've gotten into F1 and racing, and I think it would be fun to attempt to create some sort of remotely controlled car. If I had extra time incorporating an AI to run a track would be extremely fun as well.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

Throughout my research on effective studying strategies and techniques, I've found that having a visual representation of progress is extremely motivating, and thus, I would create a step-by-step timeline and bullet points with a progress bar showing progress on the project. In addition, the project I would work on would be one that I am genuinely interested in working on, and thus, would motivate me.

What would you code to make something productive?

I would create a notetaking app that could do scheduling, checklists, progress tracking, and more. I would customize it to be extremely easy to use, as well as to be aesthetically pleasing.

nikhilc3 commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? Develop machine learning algorithms to analyze patterns and trends in different types of data.

How would you measure success in your team? I would maintain motivation if the group that I am working with is collaborative, easy to contact, and is organized on the split of work each person gets. Another way to maintain motivation is working on a project that aligns with my outside of school interests too.

What would you code to make something productive? Personal Finance Manager: Create an application that helps users manage their finances. This would maybe have features for tracking expenses, setting budgets, visualizing spending patterns, and providing insights on saving more effectively.

emmaxshen commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

sreejagangapuram commented 8 months ago

Given absolute freedom, I would code a website related to books for readers and aspiring authors to connect. It would be a blogging site for aspiring authors to pitch their ideas and readers can rate the ideas and give feedback. A set, fast-paced schedule will motivate me to be productive each day. A structured schedule will be simple to follow. In addition, having fun but reliable teammates will also be motivating. Also, working with team members who are also interested in the project idea will help me maintain motivation. I would measure success in my team in two ways: the number of milestones on our plan crossed off, and our team’s overall satisfaction with the project.

vivianknee commented 8 months ago
  1. What would you code given absolute freedom?

    • If I were given absolute freedom, I would want to code the Suika watermelon game because even though the game seems simple, the more I thought about it, the more complex it seemed to be. It probably requires certain physics to be implemented, there is a lot of design that goes in as well. It combines both art and coding, so I find it interesting. I also have always wanted to code a game. Beyond that, I want to start creating my own personal website from scratch to display the projects I've worked on.
  2. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

    • Setting goals and timelines and surrounding myself with equally passionate coders would motivate me to be productive each day. By having a deadline for parts of the project, it creates a daily routine for me to follow. A routine not only creates structure but it gives me the mindset to complete my goals by the end of that day. Surrounding myself with passionate people who are equally excited and productive on their projects would motivate and inspire me to work harder. Additionally, just having an exciting project is motivating enough.
  3. How would you measure success in your team?

    • How well we work together
    • If everyone contributed equally
    • The final project outcome itself
    • The team members familiarity with the project
    • If team members were able to learn something new and become an expert in a topic after the project
  4. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

    • setting deadlines
    • teaming with passionate peers
    • setting challenging goals for the project. Ones that make you think more and become more excited to work on
    • checking in with team members: calls, discussions, etc.
    • assigning appropriate work for team members and helping them out when they have problems.
    • make sure the project is unique
  5. What would you code to make something productive?

    • a coding project to automatically write my AP Government Current Events Report. Maybe it can automatically find articles from conservative and liberal sources, and write a concise yet specific summary of several trending topics. Also, identify biases and find sources.

A peer from this year (Alex Lu) said this for question 5: I want to see if I could make an audio recognition model that could recognize different foreign accents for the English language. My dad struggles with our Tesla's voice recognition because his accent confuses the model. It'll be cool to see if we could use foreign accents and syllables and integrate that with an existing system to make it recognize other accents better. Or perhaps we can create a model that continually learns from the user's own inputs.

I think that his idea is a very purposeful one that is both helpful and personal. I'm surprised it hasn't already been invented. Additionally, I think this project he may want to work on is related to his interests in AI models and algorithms. He also mentions adding additional features like foreign accents and syllables which shows his passion and motivation for this project.

h4seeb-cmd commented 8 months ago

Given absolute freedom, I would probably code machine learning stuff for hardware-based projects. But for a web-based project, I would code a web synthesizer app that allowed users to make their own synthesizers based off of many different knobs and settings, and it would allow for users to create an account and save presets.

Because I'm passionate about music/producing music, this would not only benefit me in the creation of my music, but also be something I find as a super cool concept I don't see other people working on.

I would measure success in my team via a scrum board with all of the objectives needed for us to finish the project.

I would maintain interest and motivation by keeping track of my progress and working towards tangible goals. Seeing this passion project come together in tangible increments would do wonders for the morale and motivation of my team and me.

Something useful/productive I would code is an IPM interactive simulation, IPM being Integrated Pest Management. It would be an interactive simulation where people can test different pest management strategies and observe the pros and cons of each without real world consequences. It would be great for agricultural purposes.

kaiden-dough commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

I would code a mobile fitness tracker app if I had absolute freedom. It would track the calories, workouts, weights, and more of a person's fitness journey. Also, I would develop an AI that the user can ask for workout advice and questions.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

I would be motivated to be productive each day given the freedom to code what I want because this project is something I want to do. So since it is something I desire, I would stay productive to achieve my goal.

What would you code to make something productive?

I would code something productive by coding the fitness tracker because it can help people stay on track with their workouts and focus on their fitness journey.

KKcbal commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?
I love making silly little games. I've been thinking about recreating the popular tower defense game Bloons TD. It's not a super complicated game so I think maybe I could do it.

How will you maintain motivation?
I'll try doing something that interests me on the side. Honestly, most of what we do in this class isn't all that fun, but doing something I want to do on the side could keep up motivation.

What would you code to make something productive?
an alarm or something. I just need somewhere to write down what i need to do and have it remind me

isabelle926 commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

If I were given absolute freedom, I would want to code a website that could visualize 3D origami models. This would not only allow me to experiment with 3D modeling in a website and learn to generate geometric structures, but this would also align with my interests.

How would you measure success in your team?

On our team, I would measure success through how well our website meets our team's expectations and whether we feel satisfied with the finished product.

What would you code to make something productive?

I would code something that would be able to visualize people's creative interests.

Jyustin commented 8 months ago

“What would you code given absolute freedom? If I could code something given absolute freedom, I would code a key scraper that would scrape GitHub or cloud spaces for API keys. The respective user or company could then be notified of the security breach, and the API key returned to the user/company.

How would you measure success in your team? Success can be measured by how close the project got to the goals created at the start and the value of the project itself. If projects reach total completion, success is likely to have been reached. The value of the project can then be measured afterward as to how cool or useful the project itself is. Lastly, success can be seen in issues and completion of issues, which relates to measuring how close the project got to the goals created.

What would you code to make something productive? I would create an extremely customizable calendar application that allows users to heavily customize the calendar to their specific needs, for example allowing users to load custom CSS into the calendar or create their addons like attaching files to days. The calendar can also come preloaded with base features like simple themes to start with or notifications. I don't like the limited customizability of base calendar programs so this would be nice to have.

realethantran commented 8 months ago

1) Given absolute freedom what would I code? I would code a website that utilizes artificial intelligence. The AI would be used to help students learn, as it would be focused on tutoring and education. I would also make the site free to use, so that it is accessible to all.

2) How will I maintain motivation? For this project, I will keep my motivation by working on something that I am truly passionate about. This would be a project that is not just a school assignment, but something I would be eager to work outside of school as well.

3) What would I code that is productive? For a productive project, I would create a program that would act as a personal planner that can keep track of grades, assignments, as well as timers and notes for each. This would be a very useful tool for students to help them stay productive with their school and overall work schedule.

drewreed2005 commented 8 months ago

Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom?" Given absolute freedom, I would be most interested in coding a site or program that I would see used in people's daily lives. I've been especially warmed up to the idea of a site that provides useful services for teachers at the school that I can see used in classrooms, which is the goal of our group's current project idea. We want to make it so that teachers can create their classes of students, generate random table organizations (with the ability to separate students and customize table size/conditions), provide links to class assignments, do live in-class quizzes, etc.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Most of all, I'm motivated by the belief that there is a practical purpose to what I'm making. I found that I haven't been as good at following through on making things like games or "pretty picture" websites because I can't see other people using them on a regular basis. The best thing about being motivated by practicality is that it makes it easier to create smaller milestones over time that I know work toward the specific purpose. On a more specific level, I am motivated by small goals that lead to big goals, particularly when the final product has a strong purpose.

How would you measure success in your team? If specific milestones in the process of project-making are finished by the due date, that will be considered success. During the design process, we will create an overall vision of the finished project with specific feature implementation intended to be finished by given dates with given amounts of progress. Ensuring that all group members are making meaningful commits each week will also be a measure of collaborative success.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I'll make sure that my group is clear on what I will be contributing and I am clear on what my specific, short-term goals are on the way to the larger goal so that I can be sure I'm making real progress on the way throughout the entire process.

aliyatang commented 8 months ago
  1. If I were given absolute freedom, I would code an outfit generator that takes account of colors, styles, etc. and match clothes together. This way, I could preplan out my outfits and save time in the morning before school or going out.

  2. I would motive myself to stay productive by planning out my project well, and setting checkpoints as I work along the way. This way, I can keep everything organized and have a clear goal of what I want to finish.

  3. I would measure success in my team by seeing how organized we are, how well we worked together and communicated, how on track we were with checkpoints and meeting deadlines, and how happy/satisfied we and others are with the end result.

  4. I will maintain motivation among the students in my team similarly to how I would with myself, by setting checkpoints. I would also make sure the experience of developing would actually be fun and collaborative (for example we could get together at a cafe or someone's house to work together), as working together and continuously helping and sharing ideas can provide a lot of motivation.

  5. I think my outfit generator would be something productive as it would save time for me and others every morning as we wouldn't have to decide what to wear. Something else that could be productive is something academic related, like a calendar or a planner to keep assignments and meetings/activities organized.

A peer, Vivian Ni, said for question 1: If I were given absolute freedom, I would want to code the Suika watermelon game because even though the game seems simple, the more I thought about it, the more complex it seemed to be. It probably requires certain physics to be implemented, there is a lot of design that goes in as well. It combines both art and coding, so I find it interesting. I also have always wanted to code a game. Beyond that, I want to start creating my own personal website from scratch to display the projects I've worked on.

I like the idea of recreating the Suika watermelon game, as it is a game I am interested in and play occasionally. As she said, it would require physics to implement as the fruit balls fall on top of each other, combine, roll around, push each other from impact, and more, even when the user is not moving anything. I'm curious on how someone could implement all these things.

JishnuS420 commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? Given absolute freedom, I would probably code a robot or some machine to perform tasks that would prove useful in helping people accomplish a task

How would you measure success in your team? I would say that I am pretty motivated in working in a project especially if I am able to find something interesting and able to gain some new knowledge that aligns with something that I want to do in the future and if it something to help people, I feel like that's enough to keep me motivated. To measure progress and success, I would

What would you code to make something productive? I think learning how to code a working robotic arm would be something that could provide use in a wide variety of functions and would honestly be something cool to work on and learn how to do.

Ant11234 commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? Given absolute freedom, I would wanna code an AI that is able to understand sign language based on a video input and transform what they are saying into text. Since 7th or 8th grade I've wanted to create this code because of the usefulness and difficulty in provides.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? This has been one of my goals for a while, and I really want to learn how to use video in an AI. This project would also help me learn datasets better as I would need to find a dataset of sign language to train the AI on and provide a constant challenge.

How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in my team by the amount of growth experienced. The point of these projects are to learn as much as possible and to be as prepared as possible for future endeavors in computer science. Because of this I measure success in myself and in my team by the amount of knowledge learned and experience gained in newer topics.

What would I code that is productive? For a productive code, I would create something to understand sign language based on a video. This would be productive and useful in a multitude of ways. For example if somebody was teaching a sign language class to some unexperienced students it could be used as a tool in order to understand what was being said by the teacher or maybe if a deaf person wanted to give a speech to a crowd of people who may be unfamiliar with sign language.

aidenhuynh commented 8 months ago

Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom?"

Given absolute freedom, I would work on finishing my Classroom Jukebox Project, as it is something I think can become a part of classrooms outside of Del Norte, influencing more than just this CS class. The reason I am not working on this is because I struggle to find time outside of class, and also in-class time is pretty much entirely spent on lessons and hacks.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

Not having to worry about other things like student lessons that take up the whole period and another for the hacks would make me want to code.

How would you measure success in your team?

My team's success as a whole can be measured by how accurately we meet our goals, just as Drew said. If we set a deadline for a feature and met it, we were successful. If we completed more features ahead of time, we would be extremely successful.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

We will ensure that our project will leave a lasting impact that will drive us to continue working.

What would you code to make something productive?

We are still in the process of interviewing teachers to find a project that will be the most beneficial for our campus. Our general idea currently is a website that contains several resources for teachers, such as table seat randomized with class lists stored for users.

rohinsood commented 8 months ago

Given absolute freedom, my primary focus would be the completion of my AI project, envisioning its integration into educational settings beyond Del Norte, thereby extending its influence beyond the confines of our current computer science class. Time constraints outside of class and the predominant focus on lessons and hacks within class impede progress on this endeavor.

Productivity would be a natural outcome if unburdened by concerns such as extensive student lessons monopolizing entire periods, allowing a more dedicated focus on coding.

Team success would be quantified by the precision with which we accomplish set objectives. Meeting deadlines for features and, ideally, surpassing them would signify triumph. The completion of additional features ahead of schedule would elevate our success to an exceptional level.

In sustaining motivation within the team, the pivotal strategy revolves around ensuring our project's enduring impact. The recognition of its usefulness, uniqueness, and appeal to an engaged consumer base will serve as the driving force propelling sustained commitment and effort.

AniCricKet commented 8 months ago

With absolute coding freedom, I'd make an innovative sports-related game. The these are two of my biggest interests, so knowing I'm pursuing my passion would be my daily motivation.

Success would be measured by user feedback, positive reviews, and the overall satisfaction of the users.

To sustain motivation, I'd highlight the project's uniqueness and regularly update it based on user feedback. For students, having an educational aspect—integrating insights into tactics and teamwork—would add value to the gaming experience.

In terms of coding productivity, I'd focus on developing a sports simulation game that not only entertains but also educates users, making a lasting impact on the people that play the game.

I like Parav's idea because like mine, his is also sports related. His was more related to tracking scores, while I wanted to make a realistic game. However his idea is also something that interests me, as I do fantasy teams for lots of sports so having a central area to check scores and statistics for different sports at the same time.

hsinaDitaM commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? if I had the absolute freedom to code anything I want, it would be a free discord replacement and you can customize your UI without any subscription paywall. there would be UI presets and you can choose between several of them.

How would you measure success in your team? success is objective and I think success would be if the product is solid, it does not have to be over-the-top polished

What would you code to make something productive? to be productive, the subject matter has to interest you and the interest alone will make you productive and strive you to finish the said product.

aaron-rub commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom? Given absolute freedom, I would wanna code a home automation system that will allow me to control and view the use of the basic appliances all around my house. Over covid I have been working on home automation with my brother and dad and I think that its very useful in a real life environment.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Finding motivation to do work has always been a struggle for me, but I think that having a project that is super applicable to my day to day life is a very big thing for me.

How would you measure success in your team? I would measure my team's success by experience gained, the goal for us is not essentially to finish the project but rather to gain an understanding for practice. This allows us to gain a more in depth comprehension to allow for future success.

What would you code to make something productive? For a productive code, I would create a system that observed and recorded either power usage or water usage. This would allow me to make my own database and API and it is very applicable to my real life. I would also be able to extend on this idea, making a function that turns off certain electronics around the house after a set time to preserve power or notify me when my water usage is too high.

paravsalaniwal commented 8 months ago

Q1. What would you code given absolute freedom?

I would code an application that has instant, live-tracking updates on all sports games worldwide with the implementation of social media, including posts, comments, and messages. I think this is very helpful for sports lovers who would like to find a place to track sports but also be able to communicate with friends at the same time as people these days have to switch between apps and often miss out on the game.

Q2. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

Something that would motivate me to be productive is to have a group of coders around me who want to code the project with me as well as having a set due date to make sure I can produce and put the most effort in to create a good result.

Q3. How would you measure success in your team?

The way I would measure success in my team is by equally contributing work and everyone also being able to understand the project fully. If we are able to do this, then we can meet our goals of the project which is a success.

Q4. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

I will maintain motivation by sparking new ideas or features that we can use in our project and using ChatGPT to help us come up with these ideas.

Q5. What would you code to make something productive?

To code something productive, I would code an application that allows students to easily communicate with teachers at ease, as an app like Remind is very complicated.

tanishapatil1234 commented 8 months ago

As an Invidual, Comment below for extra personal 'indicators' at next review. Make a link to your link in next review. Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom?

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

How would you measure success in your team? In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

What would you code to make something productive?

I was getting gas recently and they had messages about TikTok, OpenAI, Bitcoin... 10 years ago, I new little of any of these. They were all ideas trying to meet a need.

In your comments, say something about someone else's comment in this blog. Make a link from your comment to there comment. I really thought Emma's idea was unique. I may consider doing something similar because it is a field I have recently started to explore and I would like to become more educated on it.

QDBordtoshred commented 8 months ago

Given absolute freedom i would create a program that analyses facial features (face id) then scans the web (intagram, google, facebook, tik tok) for users and images of people with similar features then presents a list of accounts and images that it believes are related to or are the person entered into the program. I would grade my teams success on the functionality of the program and secondly the presentation / looks of the website.

akshat122805 commented 8 months ago

Q1: With absolute freedom, I want to build something that can disrupt the healthcare industry, because frankly the healthcare division hasn't been exposed to new technologies since 2000ish. I would want to build an app for personalized medicine, where users can input their health information and match with similar users to discuss about their conditions, remedies, etc.

Q2: Honestly, if it doesn't motivate me then it's just the wrong project. I better be coding something that's cool enough to have people using it. Application is also the most beautiful part of computer science, does my project help someone's life? Does it streamline an annoying process? Is my project fun? If my project applies to any of those, I'm going to be motivated.

Q3: I would measure by how fast we are. Execution is 90% of any project, simply over thinking and not taking action at all can be deemed as unsuccessful. That is why I believe we as a team should move scary fast.

Q4: Talk to the people using it. Is the project I'm building truly working and being useful? That is the most important part.

Q5: Regarding education and productivity, another idea would be to take opportunity of the new GPT Store, I would freely code or "prompt" a GPT through OpenAI's GPT builder. I would build "Mortensen's Assistant", where the chatbot would have knowledge of everything that's going on with the class and the user can ask questions on anything related to CSSE, CSP, CSA.

We can build all sorts of GPT Assistants for each teacher at our school. Instead of trying to navigate Canvas and being confused, why not use AI to ask questions?

BobTheFarmer commented 8 months ago

1: What would you code given absolute freedom?

I would make an AI based program because there is a lot of opportunity to create unique projects right now that are useful. I would also want my program help other people and be useful. For example I might make a website which can help give advice using AI.

2: What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

I would make sure what I am making interests me and I am passionate about so that it will be easy to stay on track. I think if I enjoy what I am doing it will be easy to stay on track.

3: How would you measure success in your team?

I measure success as helping your team achieve your goals while also learning and growing as a programmer. It is important to help your team but it is also important to grow too.

4: In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

I will make sure every student has a part in choosing a project they are interested in. We would spend a lot of time making sure everyone likes the project.

5: What would you code to make something productive?

I could make an AI vscode extension to give suggestions and help me code faster.

I like Emaad's response because his responses are inserting and I agree with them.

Jw95z commented 8 months ago

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Create a chatbot using platforms like Dialogflow or ChatterBot. This involves understanding natural language processing and is a great introduction to AI. How would you measure success in your team? Points are my only motivation in my CS classroom. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? By giving more points. I don't know other students will motivate by these points, but I am sure that I will be motivated with these.

What would you code to make something productive? I will like to create Health and Fitness Tracker: Creates an app that helps users monitor their fitness routines and nutrition and Includes features like tracking exercises, setting fitness goals, and providing nutritional information. I was getting gas recently and they had messages about TikTok, OpenAI, Bitcoin... 10 years ago, I new little of any of these. They were all ideas trying to meet a need.

rachit-j commented 8 months ago

As an Invidual, Comment below for extra personal 'indicators' at next review. Make a link to your link in next review. Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom? Given absolute freedom, I would code a new AI model or fine tune a GPT model that is capable of bypassing TurnItIn, so that TurnItIn would not be able to recognize the fact that an AI wrote whatever it was scanning.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Something that would motivate me to be productive each day given the freedom to code what I want is a vision of the final goal and a project that is applicable to my life.

How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in my team as completing tasks or subtasks at a constant pace, assuming the tasks have relatively the same difficulty and time requirements.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I will maintain motivation when I check something off and it disappears. That little animation gives me a lot of motivation and makes me happy, I do not really know why.

What would you code to make something productive? I would code a mock grader with AI so that students and teachers would not have to spend so much time on grading, and it has a lower chance of being biased.

Reply To Raunak: Raunak, I agree with a lot of what you are saying, and I think its pretty cool. However, I think that it would be beneficial if we give the students easier ways to do their projects, without being detected of course. It would be better for the mental health of all students if they did not have to multitask as much.

raymondYsheng commented 8 months ago
  1. What would you code given absolute freedom?
    • Given absolute freedom, I would create something that utilizes artificial intelligence to determine the body language and subtle actions that could reveal the mood of a user, which I think could help in therapy settings or just when users are confused about relationships among group and team settings.
  2. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?
    • I would be motivated by my enthusiasm behind the idea. I am typically motivated by learning new things, and I constantly feel that I am wasting my time when I am not working.
  3. How would you measure success in your team?
    • I would measure success based on the feedback from users and the learning and experience gain. I think the ultimate goal of a project is to learn something from it. However, I also think that, while it is not the paramount aspect, a project needs to be enjoyable to be successful.
  4. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?
    • I will maintain motivation by showing the team and looking through positive comments. I also think showing the product to those near the team and having them give positive feedback could help convince the team that the project is unique and useful.
  5. What would you code to make something productive?
    • I would code something to help make planning customizable and intuitive for users. I think that, despite the amount of rigid planning apps online, the amount of customizable planning apps that could actually help users be productive and comfortable is lacking.

I think David's idea about finance managing and planning is very interesting and has a lot of room for creativity and branching out. For example, using AI to learn from a user's past financial history could prove to be very useful.

VINERAJ commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

If I had absolute freedom, I would like to code my own translator between multiple different languages. This is a project I've thought about doing for several years now. I'd like to see if I could incorporate AI of some sort into this project.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

I think the main thing that could motivate me to be productive everyday is to have dedicated time just to work on this project, where I don't have anything else to work on, and I must focus on working on the project.

How would you measure success?

I think I'd first divide the project into steps that would slowly lead to the completion of the project. Then, I'd set dates that I have to complete those steps by. If I met each of those goals by the specified date, then I'd count myself as successful.

What would you code to make something productive?

One thing that I've noticed among my friends and I is that we often make plans to be efficient and complete our work quickly, but they often fall apart, and we end up not being as productive as we hoped. I would like to make a planner that would help us stay on top of our work, and be as productive as we can. Toby's idea about a game sounds really interesting to me, because I also have an interest in video games.

nVarap commented 8 months ago

What would you code given absolute freedom?

Given absolute freedom, I would absolutely want to code either a multiplayer game similar to that of the multiplayer game that I created last year. I would want to create this because games mean something to me, on a deeper level. Storytelling, game development, and all of the similar items are close to me. So, I would love to code something that is more oriented towards game development. I may also code something that intersects hardware. Hardware is something that I am super interested in, and being able to pair my passion for coding with my passion for hardware and create something really cool, say like a robot would be super interesting and very fun to do.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? How would you measure success in your team?

I would be motivated to be productive through the little bits of code that I write each day eventually forming something much larger. The satisfaction of completing a set part of work makes the whole work completely is amazing, and it makes me want to do more and more work. Especially given the freedom, I want to feel satisfied when I complete something. I would measure success against a plan and strategy, and see how on track I am. I would also measure success against satisfaction. We are successful if we create something that, while abiding to our plan, leaves us satisfied and helps us grow at the end of the day.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

I am very self-motivated. If there is something that I really want to do, I will spend hours and hours doing it, often to the detriment of my health. For example, when it comes to storytelling and world building, throughout the winter break I spent over 10 Horus working and developing my own unique world and the lore and history surrounding it. I was passionate for it, so I worked and completed a good majority of it. I would obviously set plans and orient myself around a centralized plan, but a lot of the motivations comes out of the satisfaction of doing little bits of work and making it contribute to something big.

What would you code to make something productive?

I would code something using Machine Learning, primarily a full stimuli-incorporating model that could assist with various tasks. Not a chat bot, but the ability to upload and recognize information, and then create decisions based off of that model would greatly help. Since that is very complex, I would also look into creating a text-based analysis model for auto-moderation. These programs would definitely help make the world a better place.

Reading David's Comment, I agree and relate to his idea and that the project being perfect is a motivator. I consider myself a perfectionist, and I feel like it is an important trait to have as a coder, in a more predictable field. Thus, I definitely feel like perfection will also be a huge motivator for me throughout my project.

Henerystone commented 8 months ago
DeadshotLegend commented 8 months ago

Shivansh Goel, Period 3 AP CSA Question #1: What would you code given absolute freedom? Given absolute freedom, I would code a website which tracks a checklist which acts as a planner but more of setting goals and also keeping what one needs to do every day. I feel this hasn't been uploaded on the App Store yet and it is a very good idea.

Question #2: What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? Doing something which would be important to the world or just the thought of improving my skills would motivate me to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want. Just the thought of doing something important or doing something to improve my own skills will motivate me to be productive each day.

Question #3: How would you measure success in your team? I would measure success in my team by making sure that everyone is contributing to the project at least 20% each if there is 4-5 members and just try to make sure that it is almost equal contribution or equal contribution. I would also measure success if the project is completed on the scheduled time and whether it meets all the criteria and functions that were made before the project.

Question #4: In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation? I will maintain motivation by making sure that everyone feels that the project is important and useful and/or that it is good for improving our skills.

Question #5: What would you code to make something productive? To code to make something productive would be to create the app I was talking about above since that creates a planner which has schedules and goals and will keep students on track.

PaarasPurohit commented 8 months ago

Question 1:

Given absolute freedom to develop anything I wanted, I would create the software for nano-technology that would cure cancer. It is one of the many dreams I've had, and at the moment, given how my current skillset is practised today, this dream of mine is the most desirable. I've had a lot of my family been diagnosed with cancer, some who unfortunately not able to survive it, and I want to make sure that no one else has to endure such a painful disease. I would use the skills I have acquired in robotics and the APCS courses in DNHS that I've been in to write programs for nano-robots to eliminate cancer cells in a patient. This would give me more freedom than I would have been given to develop anything I wanted.

Question 2:

The motivation would first have to be a project I like. I need to find a project purpose that I like, is unique or useful, and still falls into the requirements in APCSA, such as frontend and backend, OOP in Java, etc. The second would be to have tasks broken down into simpler ones so that I can work efficiently while still tackling problems that require a deeper level of thinking. Another thing would be to have teammates who are as equally motivated as I am to complete the project. I would measure our success in our team by comparing where we are at one point to the goals we set during ideation.

Question 3:

To be honest, I'm not sure if I can use programming to make myself less distracting. In reality, I use good habits and remove distractions when I work, especially when I don't feel like it.

Reflection on Shreyas' Answers: I would be interested to see a video game that gets people interested in computer science. You'd have to first define what computer science is then figure out a way to get people interested in it through a video game. I have a few ideas on how this might work, but we'll see. I like the mention of timetables and timed breaks, it is a unique part of productivity not always mentioned in the way you did.

Krishiv111 commented 8 months ago

Question 1 What would you code given absolute freedom?

Question 2 What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

Question 3 How would you measure success in your team?

To measure my sucsess and to be productive each day given freedom of what I want to code I would set a time period of the project, I would start a journal with tasks I want to complete each day and reflect by journaling at the end of the work day of what you actually accomplished within the day in order to hold myself accountable. Then to scale this to our team and how we would complete our tasks and collaborate on what we would do in the next following days,

Question 4a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested How will you maintain motivation?

Question 5 What would you code to make something productive?

Responding to another Student: I found [Kaiden's Idea] to be ver interesting due to the fact that making a model that tracks fitness performance and gives specific advice is important becuase there is an over saturation of fitness advice so training an ai model to cater advice to someone specifically could help get people accurate results which would keep them motivated to keep working in the gym and on the field. (

STG-7 commented 8 months ago

Shaurya Goel, Period 3

What would you code given absolute freedom?

I would code a project that manages UFC statistics. It would be a big database filled with all the different fighters and their stats such as height, weight, reach, record, finishes by submission, finishes by knockout, etc. This database can be filtered by weight class and each person would have their own separate database as well for each of their fights and those outcomes. The UI would look very presentable and easy to look through. I would try to make it the best UFC site in the world.

What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want?

The passion for coding and watching the UFC would drive me the most and just wanting to make a perfect site, it would be like an obsession. Popularity would drive me a lot as well, if the site were to get more popular, the motivation to keep it up to standard or even make it better, would drive me as well.

How would you measure success in your team?

I would measure success in the team by two factors; effort and productivity. If each individual in this team puts quality effort and does their part, the overall project will come out amazing, matching that energy each individual puts in.

In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation?

To maintain motivation I would point out the usefulness and value of the project that we are working on. Continuing to stay on track through weekly/daily issues and continuous reviewing/planning will refresh our minds and keep ourselves in the game.

lunaiwa commented 8 months ago

1. What would you code given absolute freedom? Given absolute freedom I would code a much better Good Reads website, absolutely dislike the good reads website because not only does it look like it’s from 2015 and lacks content moderation and is disorganized.

2. How would you measure success in your team Measuring success of the team is how we feel at the end of the project and tracking progress. I feel like a happy team that is satisfied with the end project and development process = success.

3. What would you code to make something productive? I would code a reading tracker to mark where you are in a book and thoughts about the book at different pages. Another feature would be tracking books read.

4. Say something about someone else’s comment (link theirs)

Finn’s comment was particularly interesting to me. Compared to other comments which were helping people Finn decided to do the opposite. This stood out since it is a unique idea and I personally think with some good design he can successfully scam people!

Toby-Leeder commented 8 months ago

Given absolute freedom, I would create some kind of video game. I would want my game to tell a story and be meaningful. Stories have the power to convey messages and comment on the human experience. I would want my game to do the same, and I want people to take something away from my game.

I would be motivated to work on this project because it's something that I actually want to do. I already like games, and I would enjoy the day to day of creating games. I also tend to be a perfectionist and as such I would keep working as much as possible until I'm finished with whatever I'm creating. I also plan on creating weekly goals with my team keep them accountable. Here is what the group issue might look like and here is what the individual issue might look like. This organization structure will make it clear to each person what their job within the project is.

Success in my team would be measured in a few different ways. First, the final products functionality would be the greatest measure of success. If we don't create a final product, there wouldn't be a point to even working on the project. Another measure of our success for me personally would be how well the work was divided up between the group. The worst case scenario would be if one person created the entire project and nobody else had any contributions. If we're able to effectively delegate the required work in a way that gives everyone the opportunity to work on the aspects of the project they're interested, then that would be a successful project to me.

To make something more productive I probably would not create a game, but instead would create some kind of planner system for myself. I basically don't use a planner in my current day to day life, so it could be beneficial to create something myself that I could then update and cater to my tastes. Whenever I have an idea to make an update to the planner, I could just create that.

Reading Raymonds comment, I see that he mentioned learning being another measure of success of the project. I didn't explicitly mention this above, but I totally agree with this. Especially within our computer science class, the entire point is the learn something. Because of that I agree that this is a good measure of the success of our project as a whole.

paravsalaniwal commented 8 months ago

Team Manifesto

Collaboration Everyday: We have constant check-ins to stay on the same page and keep the project rolling.

Teamwork: No one person is left with all the work; everyone pitches in equally. Roles and assigned jobs will be listed out and progress checks via Github issues will be done.

Daily Steps Forward: Each day, everyone makes a small progress update to show they're moving ahead. Constantly work either alone or with a group member on the feature assigned.

Quality Matters Most: The whole team decides on ideas to make sure they're top-notch and fit the project.

Team Members:

Krishiv, Parav, Shaurya, Vinay, Edwin, Yuri

EdwinKuttappi commented 8 months ago

Q1: If I was given absolute freedom, I would code a website in which consumers would be able to use it to compare the different statistics of various smartphones or electric vehicles. Right now, I think comparing electric vehicles would make a better impact on society since Apple has been dominating the smartphone industry especially in North America.

Q2: To better motivate me to be productive each day is replicate what I did during APCSP, because during that time I would commit nearly everyday, I think I need a lot of time in the beginning to get set up, so commits might not be very frequent in the beginning, but I need to learn and ask questions on how i can implement these things.

Q3: To measure success in our team, I think that would be how much work we get done progressively, I don't think it matters if we have a finished product but if we all have been continuously working towards the project and utilizing a scrum table to organize our workflows and make sure that things are getting done and questions are being asked.

Q4: I believe that maintaining motivation in our group should be easy as long as the impact is clearly shown our members. Most of my teammates are juniors, so I think that a great way to motivate them would be putting this project on LinkedIn which can lead to a lot of internships which can help them to build their resume. I think this project is very useful to society because there are so many different paths people can take and this website can be useful to so many people that need to discover which car or smartphone they should get based on their own needs.

Q5: To make something productive, you need to surround yourself with people and form a team that is motivated. A good example of this right now is my robotics team in which they all seem to really motivated to design a robot to complete the game that is given because we just started. Eventually, as time goes on, people might get less interested and the team might get less motivated. in order to keep motivation in our team, people need to be reminded of the task and goal at hand.

After reading Drew's response and insights, I thin iit is a great idea to make a website that people will find useful especially if they use it daily. The difference between his idea and mine is that he is trying to make a project that people will use daily, while mine is more of a like a one-time thing. However, I feel that my website might have more users while Drew's might have website traffic.

Ishi-Singh commented 8 months ago
  1. What would you code given absolute freedom?: Probably some sort of web application that can have a purpose in my daily life. Maybe something along the lines of a schedule organizer which is able to see all of the assignments I have in the week and organizing them based on what's due, an approximation of how long the assignment will take, and a short summary of what I need to do.

  2. How would you measure success in your team: I would measure personal success with the amount of knowledge/understanding gained each week as well as having contributions to the actual project. In the end, this is fundamentally a school project therefore the outcome should be insight into this class that we previously didn't have before.

  3. What would you code to make something productive?: To code something productive I would make something similar to what I said in the first question (a schedule organizer) but make it more applicable to other other students by including more options as to what that code can do