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CSSE Final Exam #89

Open jm1021 opened 6 months ago

jm1021 commented 6 months ago

Final Exam

Make your own level to the Multiplayer Platformer Game Level (Level 4).

XavierTho commented 4 months ago

Mr M comment, lacking utterances. At first, I thought you did very little. But as you move across screen death looms. Very creative, needed to use speed key to avoid first death, but I could not figure out how to get through gauntlet. My time being alive was very short. Would be nice if you gave me a hint. But, maybe that was part of the mystery.

BTW, I was thinking you would build in the finals blog from last week.

MatthewBorabo commented 4 months ago

Mario Game (Level 4) Final Exam Notes

Mr M comment, very nice implementation. I see mix of styles across the 2 trimesters. Floating platforms is cool. I found everything I needed to see in this assignment.

MaryamAbdul-Aziz commented 4 months ago

Mr M comment, I like the mystic look to the game, snakes and portal. The portal would have been a nice feature in our game if it took you in and spit you out somewhere random. Links to former thing were nice and blog looks great.

jm1021 commented 4 months ago

-------- ⬆️ ⬆️⬆️ Enhanced scoring, graded 1.0 basis up to 1.1 above this line ⬆️ ⬆️⬆️ -------------- -------- ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ Normal scoring, graded .9 basis up to 1.0 below this line ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ --------------

Make sure when you complete level 4 please provide:

  1. Complete CSSE final blog, game is running in that blog
  2. Link to your plan/summary for Level 4 implementation, turn comments on with utterances. Mathew B has posted excellent example above. You could all say Hi to Mathew to see how it works.
  3. Link to Game. Xavier, Mathew, and Maryam have examples above.
  4. Link to 2 old games. Maryam has excellent example above.

To install utterances A. Install GitHub utterance app in your GitHub settings B. Turn comments on in you planning blog.
To see utterances, you may need to be on VPN or Hotspot while at school

To get above 90% X. Make sure that your GitHub pages has links to the correct GitHub, you config.yml socials Y. Make sure that you highlight commits that you did for level 4.

DeanPhillips24 commented 4 months ago

NoraTheTurtle commented 4 months ago

Nora Ahadian, Period 4

Final Blog links to games made in tri1/2, links to Mario game with added level, and review about changes made

Im2008 commented 4 months ago

Ian M

Level 2 Life Snake Final

edited utterances, comments, and added what I've done

GavinCopley commented 4 months ago

My Website Home Page

The Blog

Level 4 Plans/Accomplishments

DanielFitzwilliam commented 4 months ago

Final Blog for CSSE2 containing:

shaunli8 commented 4 months ago

Shaun Li Period 4 Final Blog ⚠️ Utterances available in every post except games

Level 4 Features - Issue

Playable Games in Blog

⚠️ All games within my blog will have an image with the post. All other posts that do not have photos are not games. Direct links to the games will be provided below.

Tri 1 Snake Game

Tri 1 TicTacToe Game

Tri 1 Pong Game

Tri 1 Final RPG Game | ⚠️Because of the way this game was developed w/ CSS styles and JS JavaScript that were combined into one index.html with no other sub assets, implementing this game into my blog was near impossible given that the directories will not work in subfolders and severely tamper with my custom style I have on my blog. Although I spent countless hours trying to implement this game, I couldn't get it to work. As an alternative, I created a post with links that will have my key contributions and issues, the game repository, and the separate GitHub Page deployment needed to run the game. Click here to find all the links you need.

Early Tri 2 Mario Levels - Uses completely different assets

Final Tri 2 Class Collab Game + Custon Level (See Level 4 Features above for more info)

katiek27 commented 4 months ago

Katie Kim, period 4

final blog Contains utterances, as well as every single blog

level four mario New creative level

snake game Tri one first game, Snake!

mario 0.0 Very first mario version, goomba can move with jkl keys, goomba is destroyed upon touch.

ryann96 commented 4 months ago

Final Blog With Everything

NateTurman commented 4 months ago

Final Blog Final Game Level Trimester 1 Game Snake Game

ZafeerA123 commented 4 months ago

Level 4 Accomplishments and Commits Level 4

Final Blog

Trystan-Schmits commented 4 months ago

Final Blog

Final Game