nightlark / swig-pypi

pip install swig. SWIG Python wheel for PyPI.
Apache License 2.0
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Automated check for new swig releases #22

Closed rbSparky closed 3 years ago

rbSparky commented 3 years ago

Added a file swig-update-autocheck.yml in the workflows directory which is scheduled to run every week and runs a bash script that checks for any version updates(from the swig github repo) and checks current version in the .cmake file(using regex), updates the version in swig_version.cmake when needed and issues a PR.

rbSparky commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry I don't clearly understand what is to be done in your idea. Could you explain that again? Also, do I need to make any more changes to this before the merge, or is it fine as it is?

nightlark commented 3 years ago

I'm going to merge this as it is.

The idea is to add the swig version to the PR title, so instead of saying "Update swig version" it could say "Update to swig version 4.0.2".

The gist of it is an echo outputs a line with a special format to set a variable:

- name: Check and update SWIG version
   id: check-swig
   run: echo "::set-output name=new_version::4.0.2"

That variable could then be used in the create PR step by referencing it using the step id that output it:

title: Update swig version ${{ steps.check-swig.outputs.new_version }}
rbSparky commented 3 years ago

Oh I understand now, thanks. I'll implement this and issue a (new?) PR when I'm done.

nightlark commented 3 years ago

Yea, a new PR sounds good. 😄