nightscape / spark-excel

A Spark plugin for reading and writing Excel files
Apache License 2.0
469 stars 147 forks source link

[BUG] <infer schema should not include the auto generated columns> #798

Open minnieshi opened 1 year ago

minnieshi commented 1 year ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Current Behavior

when reading excel with 'infer schema' enabled, if the file has extra empty columns towards to the end, it is read/added in as auto generated columns like c_ddd, where ddd is the digits

Expected Behavior

it should not add those auto generated columns if infer schema is turned on

and it should not add either for custom schema

Steps To Reproduce

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- Spark version:
- Spark-Excel version:
- OS:
- Cluster environment

Anything else?

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