nightscout / AndroidAPS

Opensource automated insulin delivery system (closed loop)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
694 stars 1.7k forks source link

Pixel 6 and Dash have slow connection time / sometimes failing to connect #1112

Closed um17tjs closed 2 years ago

um17tjs commented 2 years ago

Using Libre2 -> Librelink Patched -> Xdrip -> AAPS -> Dash

When connecting to the pump for any treatment input, TBR, test Bleep or READSTATUS. The connection time varies however 90% of the time it will be greater than 70 seconds until it connects. On a few occasions AAPS has failed to connect to the pump at (after 120 seconds).

Using 3.0-beta11 Build: f910fd7fb-2021.12.21-20:56 Flavor: fullrelease Nightscout version: 14.2.5 Engineering mode enabled

MilosKozak commented 2 years ago

connection time is not (and cannot be) affected by AAPS. Is pure Android thing. AAPS gets control when connection is established. You can change position of pump-dash or ask in FB group for some Pixel related tweaking