nightscout / AndroidAPS

Opensource automated insulin delivery system (closed loop)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
694 stars 1.7k forks source link

Dev 19 (and before) / Too many alert beeps #1139

Closed robertrub closed 2 years ago

robertrub commented 2 years ago

Not urgent. This happened several times with the older dev versions too.

AAPS sends a notification via Android and it "beeps". In some occasions (can't find out when :( ) it beeps 3-5 times. I copied the logs in case you can see the reason in them. Look at time 11:46


MilosKozak commented 2 years ago

i see notifications only from automations

robertrub commented 2 years ago

Tnx. I have automations to raise target when there is a hypo risk. Maybe this automation and "x grams of carbs needed" alert is the reason for the multi beeps.

I'll keep watching and report more or close the issue accordingly.