nightscout / AndroidAPS

Opensource automated insulin delivery system (closed loop)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[3.0beta11] NSClient does not see temp target #1141

Closed kristinsmotz closed 2 years ago

kristinsmotz commented 2 years ago

Just discovered that when a temp target is set either manually or via automation on AAPS phone, it can not be seen on NSClient phone.

Aaps: received_984383505811064 NSClient: Screenshot_20220109-192427_NSClient

MilosKozak commented 2 years ago

if the problem is on NSC side I need logs from NSC as well. and time of occurence

kristinsmotz commented 2 years ago

I will try to recreate this afternoon, and include logs from both phones (AAPS phone currently at school). I checked in Nightscout reporter ( and was able to find all the temp targets from yesterday in a report there, so info is coming through to NS, but possibly not to NSClient. bilde

As per right now I checked NSClient - Treatments - temp target tab, and could not find any temp targets there for yesterday except one that was cancelled due to no connection I believe. Screenshot_20220110-120021_NSClient

kristinsmotz commented 2 years ago

I'll try tonight to reproduce and export logs from both phones, then update to RC-1 and try to reproduce error there as well.

kristinsmotz commented 2 years ago

I just remembered; i updated our nightscout site 5th january at night, in order to fix a previously reported error with BG check having wrong value in NSClient. I did an update to the latest dev on nightscout. So I would guess that something in that build is causing this error for me now. If updating to RC-1 tonight does not help I will roll back NS to latest master, and see if that does it then report the error there as well.

kristinsmotz commented 2 years ago

I decided to revert to master on my nightscout site and can now see temp targets in NSClient. I suspect this commit on the nightscout dev is what caused this issue:

MilosKozak commented 2 years ago

so passing TT to NSClient is not working with current NS dev?

kristinsmotz commented 2 years ago

That is correct, or at least with the dev as it was on 5th January at 22.00 CET.

kristinsmotz commented 2 years ago

Today had another occurrence of TT not showing up in NSClient, only on AAPS phone. We updated to RC-1 a couple of days ago. The TT came from an automation that runs every Thursday at 10.00. it also posts a message to graph area "Fysak torsdag 10.30-12.00", and sets a temporary 80% profile, both of which showed up on both phones.

Screenshots from AAPS: graph treatments automation

Screenshots from NSClient: Screenshot_20220113-165938_NSClient Screenshot_20220113-170019_NSClient

Log from AAPS:

If it will help you investigate further, our NS site is This time it appears that NS didn't catch the TT either: NS reporter log.pdf


I'm having trouble with logs in NSClient, they're either only being put in the /logs folder at random times, or being deleted in random order. I'd really appreciate any advice to fix this so I always can have the logs for the last 24 hours available. Currently this is what the folder on my phone contains: new logs every 10-20 minutes since 13.26, but still containing logs from 1.41, 2.01 and 2.16 this morning. Screenshot_20220113-182255_My Files

MilosKozak commented 2 years ago

whithout NSC logs is not possible to resolve the issue. having so many files means there is too much logging enabled. give me a sample of NSC log

kristinsmotz commented 2 years ago received_483391019977595 received_484694859882267 Screenshot_20220116-231135_NSClient

I just did a set of tests to reproduce.

First test: manual TT , showed up in NSClient Second test: automation setting TT and Temp profile, did not show in NSClient Third test: automation setting TT and note, showed up in NSClient.

Added screenshots from treatments to easily see times to look for in log.

MilosKozak commented 2 years ago

sorry i need both: screenshot + logs from AAPS and the same from NSC. I'm not sure what is what and second logs doesn't cover 22:15

kristinsmotz commented 2 years ago

I understand. Having trouble with getting phones to send correct logs when I try. I will try to review log settings on both phones and recreate the errors. Do you have recommendations for what to log which will give you enough info without flooding the log with irrelevant stuff? Would this be sufficient on the NSClient phone?


MilosKozak commented 2 years ago

no need to enable anything special. just logs +- 1h from the event from both devices

kristinsmotz commented 2 years ago

OK here goes. Started a TT from Automation at 21.00 (With a temp profile included in the same Automation). Info from NSClient phone: NSClient 3.0-rc3 NSCLIENT Build: 617cdd681-2022.01.17-16:02 Remote: Flavor: nsclientrelease Nightscout version: 14.2.5 Log: Screenshots of Overview and TT tab in Treatments on NSClient phone: Screenshot_20220125-213406_NSClient Screenshot_20220125-213415_NSClient

From AAPS phone: AndroidAPS 3.0-rc3 Build: 617cdd681-2022.01.17-15:51 Remote: Flavor: fullrelease Nightscout version: 14.2.5 Engineering mode enabled Logs: Screenshots from Overview and TT tab in Treatments: image image

kristinsmotz commented 2 years ago

As previously mentioned, it appears this error only occurs when using an Automation to set a temp % profile AND a temp target in the same automation.

MilosKozak commented 2 years ago

related to bug in NS I already created a fix for that but it's not part of NS yet