nightscout / AndroidAPS

Opensource automated insulin delivery system (closed loop)
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Omnipod Dash trying to reconnect and possibly blocking the bluetooth device (preventing Dexcom boyda to fetch data) #1209

Closed klaarp closed 2 years ago

klaarp commented 2 years ago

Just recently connected my first Dash pod to a Oneplus 8T device running aaps 3.0-rc3 (getting cgm data from BOYDA broadcast).

I had changed the standard Profile to run at 150% for a few hours but when the timer expired a communications error occured. At the same time AAPS stopped getting data from the BOYDA broadcast. This resulted in AAPS not getting any cgm data, while stuck in a loop trying to reconnect to Dash. I woke up at around 06.00 realising the pump had been going at 150% during the entire night.

Looking at the logs there is repeated connection retry pattern with exceptions occurring once every second. It appears as if the bluetooth device is being hammered with retries, possible preventing BOYDA to communicate on bluetooth with the cgm sensor? Shouldn't there be some sort of back off logic when trying to reconnect (1s, 5s, 30s, 90s, ..)?

I've uploaded my logs on my Google Drive and this error pattern can be found directly in AndroidAPS._2022-01-21_00-00-00_.1 The problems started sometime after midnight and was recovered when I manually reset the Profile at around 6am. The phone was well within range (1-1.5m) without obstacles in the way.

03:10:49.221 [RxCachedThreadScheduler-141] D/PUMPBTCOMM: [BleCommCallbacks.resetConnection():213]: Reset connection
03:10:49.222 [RxCachedThreadScheduler-141] W/PUMPBTCOMM: [OmnipodDashManagerImpl.observeConnectToPodWithStop$lambda-5$lambda-4():98]: observeConnectToPodWithStop error=java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt.connect()' on a null object reference
03:10:49.222 [RxCachedThreadScheduler-141] D/PUMP: [OmnipodDashManagerImpl$ErrorInterceptor.accept():745]: Intercepted error in OmnipodDashManagerImpl: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt.connect()' on a null object reference
03:10:49.223 [ConnectionThread] I/PUMPCOMM: [OmnipodDashPumpPlugin$connect$2.invoke():252]: connect error=java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt.connect()' on a null object reference
03:10:50.218 [Thread-24322] D/PUMPQUEUE: []: connect
03:10:50.223 [Thread-24322] I/PUMP: [OmnipodDashPumpPlugin.connect():235]: connect reason=Connection needed
03:10:50.227 [RxCachedThreadScheduler-141] D/PUMP: [OmnipodDashManagerImpl$PodEventInterceptor.accept():667]: Intercepted PodEvent in OmnipodDashManagerImpl: BluetoothConnecting
03:10:50.230 [RxCachedThreadScheduler-141] D/PUMPBTCOMM: [Connection.connectionState():152]: GATT connection state: 0
03:10:50.231 [RxCachedThreadScheduler-141] D/CORE: [Connection.connect():65]: Connecting connectionWaitCond=ConnectionWaitCondition(timeoutMs=null, stopConnection=java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch@9618a4b[Count = 1])
03:10:50.233 [RxCachedThreadScheduler-141] D/PUMPBTCOMM: [Connection.disconnect():117]: Disconnecting closeGatt=false
03:10:50.234 [RxCachedThreadScheduler-141] D/PUMPBTCOMM: [BleCommCallbacks.resetConnection():213]: Reset connection
avereha commented 2 years ago

Added a check for Null and sleep if connect fails

From what I can see in the logs, connect() failed to even start. This change will not fix the fact that connect() fails to start. It just retries less often.