nightscout / AndroidAPS

Opensource automated insulin delivery system (closed loop)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Nightscout crashes after updating to #1279

Closed illepidus closed 2 years ago

illepidus commented 2 years ago

AAPS Build: 479bfc410 Nightscout version: 14.2.5 (current)

Nighscout hosted on herokku crashes after AAPS tryies to upload treatments to it. It seems like AAPS is sending some null data:

2022-02-05T19:31:15.632726+00:00 app[web.1]: Got results null
2022-02-05T19:31:15.634857+00:00 app[web.1]: /app/node_modules/mongodb/lib/utils.js:106
2022-02-05T19:31:15.634858+00:00 app[web.1]:       throw err;
2022-02-05T19:31:15.634859+00:00 app[web.1]:       ^
2022-02-05T19:31:15.634859+00:00 app[web.1]: 
2022-02-05T19:31:15.634859+00:00 app[web.1]: TypeError: Cannot read property '_id' of null

Then I disable NS upload in AAPS, crashes never happen. Also AAPS is recieving data from Nightscout without any issues.

androidaps-log.txt heroku-log.txt

illepidus commented 2 years ago

After hours of exploring my problem I found out that the Nightscout crashes only if both

options are ON. So it's defenitly therapy sync problem. Other NSClient synchronization options doesn't cause NS crash.

If someone face the same problem as me, try:

  1. AAPS->NSClient tab->check Paused.
  2. AAPS->NSClient tab->NSClient Preferences->Synchronization->Turn off "Recieve therapy events". Other options might be in ON state depending on your needs.
  3. AAPS->Maintenance->Reset Databases That would compleatly delete all treatments in AAPS database. Be careful, CoB and IoB will become zero after it. That could lead to insulin overdoze!
  4. AAPS->Exit
  5. -> More -> Restart all dynos
  6. Launch AAPS
  7. AAPS->NSClient tab->uncheck Paused.
illepidus commented 2 years ago

NSClient 3.0.0 causes the same NS crush, but scince NSClient doesn't have NSClient tab->NSClient Preferences->Synchronization settings, it's impossible to turn off "Recieve therapy events". So the only way to use NSClient for me and people having same issue is sticking with NSClient 2.8.2 [194549adc].

vagtil2005 commented 2 years ago

Have exactly the same problem, on 3.0 RC3, 3.0 and Whenever there is a new calibration through xdrip, Nightscout crashes. Sometimes it takes 2 and 3 times to restart dynos in order to come back up. I am attaching the log files from heroku.


MilosKozak commented 2 years ago

try NS with this PR

vagtil2005 commented 2 years ago

try NS with this PR nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor#7285

I updated to patch-2 but the problem persists.

timocm commented 2 years ago

Build: 3bbb57f33-2022.02.04-00:20 Remote: Flavor: fullrelease Nightscout version: 14.2.5 xDrip+ G5 lastest night. With calibration in xDrip+ nightscout crashes.

timocm commented 2 years ago

Did a deploy of NS with MilosZoxak-patch-2 (14.2.6) and an update to Highlighted slow down uploads in settings of he NSClient tab in AAPS. Restarted dynos in heroku when the web socket crashed. It happened about 2 -3 times before there was no more crashing. Had to repeat the slow down upload setting and the restarting of dynos (2-4 times) each time I installed NSClient on a following phone (2 phones). After a calibration form xDrip+ (G5) : crash and restarted dynos 3 times AndroidAPS.log

timocm commented 2 years ago

NS crashed at 7.14am 22 Feb with calibration in xDrip

Nightscout 14.2.6

AAPS AndroidAPS.log

adenis76 commented 2 years ago

I am also have same problem. When I enter calibration in xdrip ns crashes. I have to reset all dynos in heroku to have ns work again. If I enter calibration in aaps nothing is happening. I have two ns and I am sending all data in same time. Only ns with active aaps is crashing.

andrzej-aps commented 2 years ago

NSClient 3.0.0 causes the same NS crush, but scince NSClient doesn't have NSClient tab->NSClient Preferences->Synchronization settings, it's impossible to turn off "Recieve therapy events". So the only way to use NSClient for me and people having same issue is sticking with NSClient 2.8.2 [194549a].

There is a way to change synchronisation option also for NSclients take a look here: