nightscout / AndroidAPS

Opensource automated insulin delivery system (closed loop)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Request to include Blucon nightrider App as BG source #2090

Open docgeo87 opened 2 years ago

docgeo87 commented 2 years ago

Hi admin, Kindly include blucon night rider app as primary BG source in future updates. Im from India in india there is only libre pro version which cannot pair to xdrip.Hence kindly enable blucon app in BG source for smooth flow of data into android aps.please kindly consider this humble request. Much love ❤ Abey George Android aps user.

MilosKozak commented 2 years ago

I don't know it. How do you use it now?

docgeo87 commented 2 years ago

Hello MilosKozak! Gald to hear from you... At the moment im using libropro>blucon>NS>android aps I see that mioamiao is being used as primary BG source in androidaps but blucon nightrider is not included in androidaps as BG source.Kindly request you to include for easy accesibility. Screenshot_20220921-153130_AndroidAPS

Andries-Smit commented 2 years ago

@docgeo87 Did you try Bluecon to connect direct to xDrip? If that works for you xDrip can be used as source for AAPS

docgeo87 commented 2 years ago

Hi andries....i have been using libre pro version and there is no way to connect it with xdrip i believe this applies for libre and libre 2? Please correct me...thank you.