nightscout / Trio

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Testflight expire date #163

Closed bjorkert closed 2 months ago

bjorkert commented 2 months ago

Calculation of expiration date that handles xcode and browser/testflight. Refactoring of Branch/Tag/sha storage, using the BuildDetails.plist instead of branch.txt Resolves:

image image

MikePlante1 commented 2 months ago

Tried to test this, but GH failed to upload the IPA. I don't think that's related to this PR at all, seems to be from removing BGTaskSchedulerPermittedIdentifiers with this commit.

Failed run log

Re-testing after restoring that line now.

MikePlante1 commented 2 months ago

After applying #164 it built fine and seems to work.

TF expiration info
marionbarker commented 2 months ago

Repeating comment in both PR #163 and PR #164 because both are required.

Success for Browser Build with PR 163 + 164 added to dev (including the merged PR 165).

First build failed because I inadvertently modified swiftpm/Package.resolved Once I reverted that change, it was successful.