nightscout / Trio

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(feature request) Reset TDD #237

Open MikePlante1 opened 1 month ago

MikePlante1 commented 1 month ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Yes, sometimes the 10-day TDD average used for DynamicISF gets out of whack and causes problems. Also an issue for anyone switching insulin strengths (like moving from U100 to U200). Another potential cause for this problem is accidentally over-entering an external insulin dose.

Describe the solution you'd like A button in Trio that will reset the TDD. Maybe under Debug options.

Describe alternatives you've considered Alternatives include toggling DynamicISF off for 10 days, or deleting Trio from your phone and re-installing it (along with any other apps using the same App Group like Loop, iAPS, and xDrip4iOS)

Sjoerd-Bo3 commented 4 days ago

hey 👋 - silence for 30 days 🤐 ... anybody? triage is required!