nightscout / Trio

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Refactor override management #238

Open avouspierre opened 1 month ago

avouspierre commented 1 month ago

The PR includes a large refactoring of the swift part of override/profile functions :

This PR do NOT change the logic with oref and the interface of override informations in oref. This PR do NOT require a update of trio-oref code.

This PR is a part of #219 (split required by admin for review).

override display override in NS
Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 - 2024-05-07 at 21 43 34 CleanShot 2024-05-07 at 21 44 16
avouspierre commented 1 month ago

This version is now updated with the dev version including the new edit of override. Could be review

mountrcg commented 1 month ago

What happens if someone enacts at temp target on top of an override with a target and an insulin change? It used to be that this temp would override the override target (pun intended) and change sens to whatever the settings dictate.

What should be the expected behaviour in your view?

avouspierre commented 1 month ago

Very good question @mountrcg because there's nothing to stop you running both at the same time. The logic of override is different (change ISF before sending to oref) to temp target (change the BG Target). So the conflict is probably (not sure) if you change the BG Target in override...I don't go in the oref code to analyse the result.

Perhaps, we could manage this case in a new PR after merging this ?

dsnallfot commented 1 month ago

@avouspierre I just noticed a (small) thing that I messed up in my previous PR 235. I always use dark mode in the app, and didn't look at this particular thing in light mode. The edit sheet that I thought looked good in dark mode doesn't look as good in light mode due to the .padding() when opening the sheet in OverrideProfilesRootView.

I don't want to make a new PR with the fix for this until after this PR is merged, but it would be great if you could change this (just delete the .padding() line) in this open PR ?

            .sheet(isPresented: $isEditSheetPresented) {
Dark mode edit sheet ok Light mode edit sheet ugly borders
IMG_3896 IMG_3897

And @mountrcg, the same light mode ugliness as above is also present in the edit sheet for temp targets in AddTempTargetRootView after PR 236 and needs the same delete .padding()

(On a related note: I'm looking into your PR 241 but didn't immediately see any quick fixes to the outstanding questions - will get back to yours as soon as I have some ideas)

avouspierre commented 1 month ago

@polscm32 @dnzxy I analysed quickly your implementation of CoreData and it is a amazing job... more important, I think, than the current PR. So I tried to answer to your proposal :

  1. The current Core Data stack needs to be expanded to include methods like persistent history tracking, to merge changes from background contexts into the view context.

The core Data is used in different part of the code of Trio and this proposal seems to be a specific PR to create the structure to manage the core data. One subject is the purge of old data but could be pushed in a specific PR.

  1. For this, background contexts need to be introduced. For example, the save function in the stack currently uses the view context. Everything in the OverrideStorage does so as well. However, we should try to keep the main thread as free as possible. The UI is already buggy in the app and the existing Core Data Setup is pretty bad. We should first improve the basic setup before adding more features in my opinion.

My objective is only to have a correct behavior of override and a maintenable code. That's why there is now only one function to save overrides in core Data... A new PR seems adequate to modify all save functions in Trio as background.

  1. Error handling: We should avoid using try?. If it fails, it is currently not handled at all. We should definitely handle it. Also, we should not use fatalError in a shipping application, as it causes the app to crash if a Core Data save operation fails.

Understood. I modify the code with a do/catch

  1. It would be better to create an entity for the overrides with a flag (e.g., "isPreset") to distinguish between presets and overrides.

I could but I'm not sure the interest of the attribute. The override table/entity stores all historical overrides without any linked with the preset entity. Probably the more interesting thing to do will be to store the id of the preset used for the override but should be in a more global remastering data in core data.

  1. The Core Data code should be thread-safe, meaning the app should build with the Core Data concurrency debug flag enabled. Otherwise, it can lead to incorrect access to the managed object context and the potential for data races.

Here too, a new PR because the flag changes all core data access in the code of Trio.

  1. We should be more cautious with performAndWait, as it always blocks the calling thread and can therefore cause performance issues.

OK but the interest is the fact thet performandwait is safe-thread and without to manage publishers strategy. ๐Ÿ˜Œ.

Thank you again for your efforts on this. Your work is valuable, and I don't want to make it seem like I am diminishing your effort or rejecting your contributions. I'm certain, with some additional adjustments, it will significantly enhance our project. Let's continue the discussion to find the best path forward.

I don't have any problem if you think the PR is not appropriate. I learn lot of swift techniques with your proposals ๐Ÿ™. But I push two arguments ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Što review this PR : First, you asked me to split in more simple PR and the previous propositions are largely more than the objective of the PR. Second this PR cleaned the code of override in regard of the maintenance - one class manages the core data interface ! - and it brings some improvements (NS uploads and display the override in the graph in particular).

A last thing (but not a argument) : I used this PR in IRL for 2 months without issue.

I will integrate your different updates in the next commit !

aug0211 commented 1 month ago

I think scope control is our biggest challenge here. If (and only if!) getting this merged is going to take more than 1 week, maybe we pair this into a couple PRs, focused on:

  1. Nightscout and main graph visualizations (blocking issues: safety consideration)
  2. Deletion and handling of indefinite overrides (I'm unclear whether this is a safety consideration or optimization)
  3. Watch capabilities (feature)
  4. Refactor for Core data storage (optimization)

I list in this prioritized order based on what I think is most urgent, with item 1 being high criticality and items 3 and 4 being things we absolutely should do, but I would not personally recommend blocking a release for. Item 2 I am not 100% clear on.

Again, I would only break this out if we think this PR is large enough that it'll take a week or more to work through and merge - so that we can get the top priority items merged in 1-2 days each (in serial, not parallel), hopefully.

dnzxy commented 1 month ago

I agree that the smaller the PR scope, the easier to work on it as a dev and the easier to test it for testers. I also think the NS upload of overrides (as they are) is the top priority, the other features are reaching further.

avouspierre commented 1 month ago

I updated with some proposals from @dnzxy and @polscm32 (minor improvements)

Thanks to @aug0211 to take the action to split in different PRs because it's a little bit frustrated (for me) to do this in regard of the work done (but I understand the logic and the difficulty to review by others).

aug0211 commented 1 month ago

Sent ya a DM on Discord. It's out of reach for me to be a lead dev on any of the components (I've tried on my own the past week with no success ๐Ÿ˜‚) but am motivated to help here however I can.

bjornoleh commented 1 month ago

The complexity of this PR makes a review quite far beyond my skillset, so I will have to give a pass on actual code review here. I could build and check that it works, but I am sure that it does so already, so there is limited value in that.

From what I read, a bigger rewrite of core data is planned after v1.0, or already in the works. Would it be possible to have working overrides and upload to NS with little or no changes to core data? The original idea for v1.0 was to make minimal changes, then do more involved changes later. Hopefully that would still be possible :-) I can't really participate much in the detailed technical discussions about this, I just wanted to ask this as a more general question (as others already have asked, sorry for repeating it :-) )