nightscout / Trio

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Port over pump loss fix via LoopKit/Loop#1702 #277

Closed dnzxy closed 3 weeks ago

dnzxy commented 4 weeks ago

Ports over Loopkit/Loop#1702 to fix the loss of pumps and CGMs by no longer storing them as UserDefaults entry but via binary plist files. Storage of CGM info was already done via PR #15 back before Trio was opened for beta. This PR also migrates information storage for pump information.

Quoting from Loop PR:

It's an attempt to fix the issue […] where Loop appears to revert to an old version of device state. Migration is supported coming from previous versions of Loop that used UserDefaults, but reverting to a previous version of Loop will mean loss of Pump, CGM […] as the previous version of Loop will not know to load the data from the binary plist files.

Thank you to @kskandis and @avouspierre for the great collaboration.

Addresses and solves #231

avouspierre commented 4 weeks ago

I tried with iphone 8 + RPI Dash simulator with last code :

marionbarker commented 4 weeks ago

Problems with PR:

I think we are missing something. I believe this should remember the pump when going from dev to the new branch (but the reverse should not be true.) (Error 1)

Also, with the PR in place, deleting the insulin delivery system doesn't seem to get rid of it. (Error 2) This is for Omnipod ONLY. Did not happen for Medtronic.


Noticed the transition problem - which I thought was wrong. Deleted all apps on phone with shared app group and started fresh, same problem.

Testing - DASH simulator

Testing - Medtronic

bjornoleh commented 4 weeks ago

Succesful test:

Not fresh install, various branches had been build in the past, but:

Testing in reverse, going from pump-loss-fix-migration to dev, the pod was lost (and the sim pump had been automatically selected for some reason).

kskandis commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your thorough testing!

Also, with the PR in place, deleting the insulin delivery system doesn't seem to get rid of it. (Error 2) This is for Omnipod ONLY. Did not happen for Medtronic.

This issue pre-exists in dev, too, so it isn't related to this PR. We should open a separate issue for it?

For other issues, I think once this PR is installed on the iPhone, the nlist pump state persists and will be the first choice as the method of retrieval. So changing pump state on a Dev installation will not be supported once this PR is installed. Is this the way Loop also works? Loop does have ResetLoopManager which gets called from LoopAppManager on launch. We could use this to clear nlists documents for testing.

dnzxy commented 3 weeks ago

Can only join @kskandis and thank you all for rigid testing (and even burning pods). Thank you! To address the feedback and question:

The expected behaviour should be

  1. move from dev (old setup) to PR code (new setup) -> pump is kept
  2. move from PR code to dev or any branch that has old setup -> pump is lost

It looks like that @marionbarker seems to have lost the pod (rPi) on both cases, while @bjornoleh's test showed the expected behaviour. I'm unsure how to proceed here.

@marionbarker can you please check if this may be a UI glitch, where the home screen shows no pump ("Add pump"), but when you tap it, it is actually already connected? I have experienced this behaviour with the in-app simulator before and reported it on Discord (no issue so far); just to make sure if the actual pairing is lost, or if the UI just is not updated properly.

bjornoleh commented 3 weeks ago

Failure during testing:

dnzxy commented 3 weeks ago

@kskandis and I will be looking at this more closely and be working towards a solution hopefully later today.

I think it's fair to summarize: we've encountered two issues here (which we will look at):

  1. Pump is lost when going FROM UserDefault stored pump pairing TO binary file storage pump pairing a. Loss of pump pairing upon REVERSAL from binary file storage to UserDefaults storage is expected and deemed okay.
  2. After pump removal, the UI shows "No pod" (= no paired device) but should actually show "Add pump" (=no selected insulin delivery method)
dnzxy commented 3 weeks ago

With the recent changes introduced by @kskandis I can now report the following:

I can now successfully

I've force closed, restarted phone, rebuild feature branch multiple times, pod stays paired. Ultimately, pod persists going from dev -> feature; is lost feature -> dev; works as designed.

Tested with rPi pod simulator on an iPhone 11 running iOS 16.7.

There is also a (temporary ❓ ) debug feature to clean the binary files for paired pumps hidden under the debug toggle. This cleans out the files; may be useful for testing this PR and possibly beyond.

marionbarker commented 3 weeks ago


Success for Omnipod DASH Comments:

This comment has gotten pretty long. Do the Medtronic testing in a new comment.


Testing - DASH

Test 1: Success: pod maintained going from dev to fix

Test 2: Success: pod lost going from fix to dev

Test 3A: Fail: pod NOT maintained going from dev to fix

Test 3B: Success - fix works for all pod commands

Test 4: Success: Try the dev to fix transition again

When this was done for Loop, you had to delete the app to go backwards. Delete Trio (no other apps with shared app group are on the phone)

Test 5: repeat the dev - fix test

Try again building dev over fix without deleting first, then return to fix

marionbarker commented 3 weeks ago


MDT Test #1 a success. Will do the rest of the MDT testing later.


Testing - Medtronic

Test 1: Success: MDT maintained going from dev to fix

Need to take a break. I'll do the return to dev testing for MDT later. I'll leave the test phone running closed loop with MDT and fix branch running.

kskandis commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for your detailed comments and testing!!

however, when you return to dev from pump-loss-fix-migration two things happen:

  • pump is lost and must be added back (this is expected)
  • subsequent transition from dev to pump-loss-fix-migration loses the pod unless you delete the app before returning to dev - in that case, expected smooth transition works

In the case where you are moving from PR to Dev, you should use the new Settings - Debug Option "Delete Pump State nlist" Button to remove the persistent nlist doc. Otherwise when you re-install the PR, it will still exist and the PR will use that (rather than the legacy, Dev pump settings) for the pump setttings.

I'm very sorry if I did not explain the Debug Option fully. This is why we need this option, if only temporarily for testing.

avouspierre commented 3 weeks ago

In the case where you are moving from PR to Dev, you should use the new Settings - Debug Option "Delete Pump State nlist" Button to remove the persistent nlist doc. Otherwise when you re-install the PR, it will still exist and the PR will use that (rather than the legacy, Dev pump settings) for the pump setttings.

Tested with simulator with success. But probably to remove when merged because no reason to open this option...avoid to delete plist associated with a pump without any reason...

dnzxy commented 3 weeks ago


Success for Omnipod DASH Comments:

  • transition from dev to to pump-loss-fix-migration works as expected
  • however, when you return to dev from pump-loss-fix-migration two things happen:

    • pump is lost and must be added back (this is expected)
    • subsequent transition from dev to pump-loss-fix-migration loses the pod unless you delete the app before returning to dev - in that case, expected smooth transition works

I cannot reproduce this behaviour.

Here's what I did:

How do we want to proceed with the PR? I agree with Pierre, that the debug option should only be kept for testing and must be removed for proper use of the app – nuking pod details is just too big of a risk even when hidden behind the debug toggle.

kskandis commented 3 weeks ago
  • I did not (!) have to use the debug reset functionality.

You only need to use the debug reset functionality if you return back to Dev after installing PR, and then, re-installing PR, so multiple round trips of installation which would a user would not do. I know confusing!

Dev -> PR -> Dev -> PR, so multiple tests. If Debug nlist Reset is NOT performed, the 2nd PR install will not see the 2nd Dev's pump. It will see the 1st PR's pump because nlist is still active!

So install Dev (add pod) -> install PR (see Dev's Pod) -> Tap Debug nlist Reset -> install Dev (Add Pump is displayed, add a pump) -> install PR (see Dev's pump)

marionbarker commented 3 weeks ago

Summary - Success


Testing - Medtronic (continued)

Test 2: build dev on top of fix

Test 3: transition from dev to fix

Testing - DASH, part 2

Test 6 (for DASH): build dev over fix and then return to fix - revisited

OmniBLE Test for OmniBLE PR 125

While running the DASH testing to first suspend and then resume above:

bjornoleh commented 3 weeks ago

It seems like this PR is coming together now.

Question: I had different experiences transitioning from dev to fix depending on having either the all previously installed, or more likely having other apps with the shared app group (xdrip4iOS and possibly other instances of Trio or iAPS). Will the fix work correctly also in these cases now?

marionbarker commented 3 weeks ago

It seems like this PR is coming together now.

Question: I had different experiences transitioning from dev to fix depending on having either the all previously installed, or more likely having other apps with the shared app group (xdrip4iOS and possibly other instances of Trio or iAPS). Will the fix work correctly also in these cases now?

@bjornoleh I think your testing was before the most recent updates which fixed a problem. However, I did not test using more than one app on a phone (after the fix) so am doing that below:


Success. This app works as expected.

If the debug: delete pump row is removed, the only consequence is for multiple round trips:


In my opinion, the debug: delete pump row should be removed.

Other options are to comment out the code or label the row differently and shift it all the way down to the bottom of the menu.

Testing configuration:

Test Details:



Test Trio dev to pump-loss-fix-migration with other Shared-App Group apps on phone

marionbarker commented 3 weeks ago

Test again with latest commit (comment out the debug: delete pump button).




This continues directly from last comment I made in this PR.
