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Simplify/Streamline Profile Options #335

Open jdtoppin opened 5 days ago

jdtoppin commented 5 days ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Currently, the settings in the Profile menu are confusing, especially since there isn't documentation online or in the app explaining how Profile options work. While it is somewhat self explanatory, new users may be confused as to why you would use a profile versus a temporary target for example or a specific profile option. Moreover, the way in which you enter the time on a 24h clock is not consistent with iOS ux.

Describe the solution you'd like

Options should be split up into corresponding sections to show context for which options in the profile menu are related. There should also be contextual explanations for each setting like the rest of the preferences that explain what each option does and what it changes when you tap the option. The schedule SMBs times should be changed to a scroll-able time picker with minutes that aligns with iOS designs for continuity with the OS.

Describe alternatives you've considered

No real alternative for now. Use of the profiles is fine, but given the lack of guardrails, Profiles should be considered an advanced feature with warning text given the lack of guardrails (#185).

Additional context

I think this issue has been discussed in other mediums previously.

Technical Details

As per previous section, may rely on other issues moving forward such as #181 or #185.

User Impact

For now, impact is that new users are unclear of the functionality that profiles offer.

dnzxy commented 4 days ago

Thanks for the feature request and nice to see you again 😊

but given the lack of guardrails

Could you go a bit into detail what you mean by this, please?

jdtoppin commented 1 day ago

Nice to see you too! Sorry for the late reply here, been dealing with covid all weekend.

Yes, akin to #185, a user can set both extremely high insulin factors and whatever targets they want. Given the lack of warnings or explanations, this could lead to a user entering in a value that may not be what they wanted. Not only that, but a confirmation explaining xx% means you will get this much more insulin would be helpful. While TT and profiles follow other controls (max iob, etc), it could still result in scenarios where you receive much more insulin or not enough based on incorrect input or a lack of understanding.