nightscout / android-uploader

nightscout android uploader
GNU General Public License v3.0
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designing opt in/opt out dialogues #129

Open bewest opened 9 years ago

bewest commented 9 years ago

There have been nifty prototypes floating around to implement opt in questionaires. A few design requirements for dialogues like these:

Set up for tracking. :-)

trhodeos commented 9 years ago

@bewest can you post some of the prototypes here for posterity?

francescaneri commented 9 years ago

I wanted to know if it was possible to donate as well , you could give , always wishes for his age and sex giving availability to make in anonymous form the trend . This would help many people to understand how it is managing diabetes by age . Thank you for your attention Matteo

necroscope commented 9 years ago

A good place to send the data for visualization and analysis is the Elk stack: The ELK stack is free open source software that consists of:

Kibana- The view. UI. Dashboards, charts, histograms and google like search syntax. Logstash: The controller, accepts data in many formats at tremendous scale ElasticSearch- The model, Stores data and indexes it. Can receive http posts of json data.

The elk stack accepts http posts of json data. It would be simple to add a step in the emit collection procedure, the step would do a http post of json data to an ELK stack some place. Just the SGV (BG) and date field for now. I like sending the data from Azure or Node.js rather then the cell phone uploader as this does not incur cell phone data charges, my hypothesis is, this is the cheaper option to send data. Either way we do it (the uploader or node.js) Elk can accept the data. Kibana allows allow fancy ways to analyze that data. Kibana is like a google search appliance you can query it with questions and then create charts on the results.

I recently took 4 hours and installed the ELK stack on a unbuntu VM at home, then I imported all my son's nightscout data. I then asked how many times my son was between 80 and 120 in the last year and it gave me back histograms by month, week and day. I Could tell that we went camping (long story) by the results. It was easy to setup and get back meaningful information. The Elk stack is cloud friendly. The Elk stack out of the box would give researchers a search dashboard with charting on the web for them to use. To go live all we would have to do is publish a url to researchers. You can also lock down the Elk stack to handle privacy concerns.