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Suggestions for cleaning up all the online documentation #22

Closed jenm999 closed 3 years ago

jenm999 commented 10 years ago

The “front page” of this project, and where all inquiring minds should be directed: . Once these changes are made, I suggest putting this at the very top of the Facebook group because the veterans are having to direct newbies all the time.

The above “front page” has too many links on it and they are not organized. From what I can discern there should be 3 major sections:

  1. Quickstart Guide (rename Quickstart, keep subsections)
  2. Wiki (make this a section)
  3. Github (the code)

Suggested specific edits:

  1. Delete Guides header, Quickstart button and Wiki button
  2. Rename Groups to Links
  3. Move link from the Github menu to Links
  4. Move trello link from Github menu to Links and label it like you did the Facebook link with what the heck trello is (seems to be some kind of development hangout?)
  5. Why is there a link to “this website” under Github
  6. Delete docs – these are all pages on the wiki; it’s just confusing
  7. Create page on the wiki for Azure free account management and copy over the info from the posts section
  8. Create page on the wiki for Subdued color scheme and copy over the info from the posts section
  9. Delete posts section
  10. Delete Azure and Subdued posts from the quickstart guide

Copy this document after the three major sections identified above Then delete it from Facebook

Delete this as it’s now been integrated into the Quickstart Guide

Create a page in the wiki called Dexcom Error Codes and then copy this post to that page: Then delete it from Facebook

Reconcile this document: With the What Uploaders work best? Link on the wiki. Then delete it from Facebook

That’s all for now, but I’ll have more suggestions on cleaning up the wiki another day.

Oh, and let’s add a snazzy image to the front page. Maybe this one?


Jen Montbach

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bewest commented 10 years ago

Some more from Jen:

Two more suggestions: supported devices (we've just discovered does not come up on my DH's blackberry) and supported browsers (I can't get the graphs to render right in Firefox but it works like a dream in Chrome)

Oh, and one more thing - in the Quick start guide, make the Forking link open a new tab so you can keep the directions open.

psonnera commented 3 years ago
