During configuration of the uploader app on my Samsung Galaxy S5, I used the API auto configure tool (http://nightscout.github.io/pages/configure/) to enter the URL and API secret into the uploader app.
My API secret includes special characters (for example, a "#", "%", or "$"). After completing setup, the app wasn't uploading data--it returned an error that indicated an authorization issue. When I reviewed the app settings, I realized that each special character had been converted to its encoded "%23", "%24", or "%25" which caused the error.
For example:
This occurred while I was using the 600SeriesAndroidUploader app but I imagine that it would be a problem regardless of the uploader app.
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During configuration of the uploader app on my Samsung Galaxy S5, I used the API auto configure tool (http://nightscout.github.io/pages/configure/) to enter the URL and API secret into the uploader app.
My API secret includes special characters (for example, a "#", "%", or "$"). After completing setup, the app wasn't uploading data--it returned an error that indicated an authorization issue. When I reviewed the app settings, I realized that each special character had been converted to its encoded "%23", "%24", or "%25" which caused the error.
For example:
This occurred while I was using the 600SeriesAndroidUploader app but I imagine that it would be a problem regardless of the uploader app.