nightw0lv / VDSystem

GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 7 forks source link

MAC error? #4

Open Her0ic96 opened 1 month ago

Her0ic96 commented 1 month ago

I trying test this system and i have problem:

2024.07.09 20:39:15,001 WARNING 143 Client: [Character: ADMINHER0ic[268513914] - Account: her0ic - IP:] - Failed running: Say2 ; Cannot invoke "org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.holders.ClientHardwareInfoHolder.getMacAddress()" because the return value of "" is null 2024.07.09 20:39:15,001 WARNING 143 java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.holders.ClientHardwareInfoHolder.getMacAddress()" because the return value of "" is null at$FloodProtectorHolder.( at$getFloodProtector$1( at java.base/java.util.Optional.orElseGet( at at at handlers.chathandlers.ChatGeneral.handleChat( at at at at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at java.base/

nightw0lv commented 1 month ago

its because the HWID is null, it is probably because you are testing in local without client protection like smartguard or aac

Her0ic96 commented 1 month ago

yes i realized that but can you make a branch for this?

nightw0lv commented 1 month ago

yes i realized that but can you make a branch for this?

at the moment i do not have the time for this because it involves all the projects, new releases for each project, new documentation maybe on the winter but it will be very confuzing, it is very easy to remove the HWID instead from the checking on VDSystem command under the package and ignore that or simply set it as "" (empty string) or the players name on line 122 and everywhere i the code asking .getHardwareInfo() function

Her0ic96 commented 1 month ago

sure but can you give me links for how to complice your source?

Her0ic96 commented 1 month ago

E:\L2j-Cloud\VDS\Mobius\L2J_Mobius_11.0_TheSourceOfFlame\src\hopzone\eu\command\ java: package does not exist but i


nightw0lv commented 1 month ago

you just build the project and everything goes in the out folder. just fix paths for java and install the java versions to build one project you need to add the libraries make a "lib" folder and include it as library on the project you want to build