nightwatchjs / nightwatch

Integrated end-to-end testing framework written in Node.js and using W3C Webdriver API. Developed at @browserstack
MIT License
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Selenium Grid: Unable to connect to on port 4444 with updated 1.7.3 nightwatch.conf.js file #2754

Closed chriscuba23 closed 3 years ago

chriscuba23 commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

I am using Selenium Grid 3.14.0 and I am unable to connect to the Selenium hub using the new nightwatch.conf.js

Hub and nodes are up and running, which means that the nodes are registered to the hub.

I am using the '' environment of the new configuration file as the environment to run the tests on the CI machine: the Selenium Server that acts as a hub exists on the same machine as CI is

start_process is set to false since the selenium server is already running

Run with command

$ node nightwatch -e

Verbose output


```txt build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:33 Running smoke tests on Selenium grid build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 [1 Registration/1 4 Non Registered] Test Suite build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 ============================================== error 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 - Connecting to localhost on port 4444... error 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 Request POST /session build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 { desiredCapabilities: build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 { browserName: 'chrome', build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 javascriptEnabled: true, build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 acceptSslCerts: true, build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 name: '1 Registration/1 4 Non Registered', build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 'goog:chromeOptions': build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 { w3c: false, build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 args: build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 [ '--no-sandbox', build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 '--ignore-certificate-errors', build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 '--allow-insecure-localhost', build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 '--headless', build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 '--disable-gpu', build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 '--disable-software-rasterizer', build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 '--window-size=1920,925', build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 '--log-level=3' ] } } } build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 Response 404 POST /session (33ms) build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36

build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36
build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36

build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36

Selenium  v.

build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36
build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36
build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36

build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 Whoops! The URL specified routes to this help page. build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36

build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36

build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 For more information about Selenium please see the build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 docs and/or visit the wiki. build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 Or perhaps you are looking for the Selenium console. build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36

build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36

build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 Happy Testing! build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36

build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36
build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36
build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36
build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 Selenium is made possible through the efforts of our open source community, contributions from build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 these people, and our build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 sponsors. build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36
build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36
build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36
build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 error 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 ⚠ Error connecting to localhost on port 4444. build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 _________________________________________________ build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 TEST FAILURE: 1 error during execution; 0 tests failed, 0 passed (1.718s) build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 ✖ 1.Registration/1.4.Non registered build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 An error occurred while retrieving a new session build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 Error: An error occurred while retrieving a new session build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1081:12) build 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 error 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 Error: An error occurred while retrieving a new session error 22-Jun-2021 12:12:36 at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1081:12) ```



```js // Autogenerated by Nightwatch // Refer to the online docs for more details: const Services = {}; loadServices(); require('dotenv').config(); const FAILURES_ERRORS_PATH = "./failures"; // Location of the screenshots taken on failures/errors const REPORTS = "./reports"; // The location where the JUnit XML report files will be saved. module.exports = { // An array of folders (excluding subfolders) where your tests are located; // if this is not specified, the test source must be passed as the second argument to the test runner. src_folders: ["Scenarios"], // See page_objects_path: "pages", // See custom_commands_path: ["./custom_commands", "node_modules/nightwatch-custom-commands-assertions/js/commands", "node_modules/nightwatch-helpers/commands", "./node_modules/nightwatch-xhr/es5/commands", "./node_modules/nightwatch-mixpanel/es5/commands", "./node_modules/nightwatch-vrt/commands"], // See custom_assertions_path: ["./custom_assertions", "node_modules/nightwatch-custom-commands-assertions/js/assertions", "node_modules/nightwatch-helpers/assertions", "./node_modules/nightwatch-xhr/es5/assertions", "./node_modules/nightwatch-mixpanel/es5/assertions", "node_modules/nightwatch-vrt/assertions"], // See globals_path: "./globals.js", data_path: "data", output_folder: REPORTS, // The location where the JUnit XML report files will be saved. live_output: false, // Whether or not to buffer the output in case of parallel running webdriver: { "keep_alive": true }, test_settings: { default: { disable_error_log: false, launch_url: "http://localhost", silent: true, use_xpath: false, test_workers: { "enabled": true, "workers": 20 }, globals: require('./globals'), screenshots: { enabled: true, path: FAILURES_ERRORS_PATH, on_failure: true }, desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'chrome', javascriptEnabled: true, acceptSslCerts: true, }, end_session_on_fail: true, // End the session automatically when the test is being terminated, usually after a failed assertion. skip_testcases_on_fail: true, // Skip the remaining testcases (or test steps) from the same test suite (i.e. test file), when one testcase fails. detailed_output: true, // By default detailed assertion output is displayed while the test is running. Set this to `false` if you'd like to only see the test case name displayed and pass/fail status. This is especially useful when running tests in parallel. webdriver: { start_process: true, server_path: (Services.chromedriver ? Services.chromedriver.path : '') }, browserTag: "mttestcr" }, l_firefox: { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'firefox', alwaysMatch: { acceptInsecureCerts: true, 'moz:firefoxOptions': { args: [ // '-headless', // '-verbose' ] } } }, webdriver: { start_process: true, port: 4444, server_path: (Services.geckodriver ? Services.geckodriver.path : ''), cli_args: [ // very verbose geckodriver logs // '-vv' ] }, browserTag: "mttestff" }, h_firefox: { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'firefox', alwaysMatch: { acceptInsecureCerts: true, 'moz:firefoxOptions': { args: [ '-headless', // '-verbose' ] } } }, webdriver: { start_process: true, port: 4444, server_path: (Services.geckodriver ? Services.geckodriver.path : ''), cli_args: [ // very verbose geckodriver logs // '-vv' ] }, browserTag: "mttestff" }, l_chrome: { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'chrome', loggingPrefs: { browser: "ALL" }, javascriptEnabled: true, acceptSslCerts: true, 'goog:chromeOptions': { // More info on Chromedriver: // // This tells Chromedriver to run using the legacy JSONWire protocol (not required in Chrome 78) w3c: false, args: [ '--no-sandbox', //'--ignore-certificate-errors', //'--allow-insecure-localhost', //'--headless' ], prefs: { "profile.default_content_setting_values.cookies": 1, // Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended): 2=Blocked, 1=Allow }, } }, webdriver: { start_process: true, port: 9515, server_path: (Services.chromedriver ? Services.chromedriver.path : ''), cli_args: [ // --verbose ] }, browserTag: "mttestcr" }, h_chrome: { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'chrome', loggingPrefs: { browser: "ALL" }, javascriptEnabled: true, acceptSslCerts: true, 'goog:chromeOptions': { // More info on Chromedriver: // // This tells Chromedriver to run using the legacy JSONWire protocol (not required in Chrome 78) w3c: false, args: [ '--no-sandbox', //'--ignore-certificate-errors', //'--allow-insecure-localhost', '--headless', '--window-size=1920,925', '--log-level=3', '--disable-gpu', '--disable-software-rasterizer', ], prefs: { "profile.default_content_setting_values.cookies": 1, // Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended): 2=Blocked, 1=Allow }, } }, webdriver: { start_process: true, port: 9515, server_path: (Services.chromedriver ? Services.chromedriver.path : ''), cli_args: [ // --verbose ] }, browserTag: "mttestcr" }, l_edge: { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'MicrosoftEdge', 'ms:edgeOptions': { w3c: false, // More info on EdgeDriver: args: [ //'--headless' ] } }, webdriver: { start_process: true, // Download msedgedriver from // and set the location below: server_path: "C:\\Windows\\System32\\msedgedriver.exe", cli_args: [ // --verbose ] }, browserTag: "mtteste" }, h_edge: { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'MicrosoftEdge', 'ms:edgeOptions': { w3c: false, // More info on EdgeDriver: args: [ '--no-sandbox', //'--ignore-certificate-errors', //'--allow-insecure-localhost', '--headless', '--window-size=1920,925', '--log-level=3', '--disable-gpu', '--disable-software-rasterizer', ] } }, webdriver: { start_process: true, // Download msedgedriver from // and set the location below: server_path: "C:\\Windows\\System32\\msedgedriver.exe", cli_args: [ // --verbose ] }, browserTag: "mtteste" }, ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configuration for when using the cloud service | // | // Please set the username and access key by setting the environment variables: | // - BROWSERSTACK_USER | // - BROWSERSTACK_KEY | // .env files are supported | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// browserstack: { selenium: { host: '', port: 443 }, // More info on configuring capabilities can be found on: // desiredCapabilities: { 'bstack:options': { userName: '${BROWSERSTACK_USER}', accessKey: '${BROWSERSTACK_KEY}', } }, disable_error_log: true, webdriver: { timeout_options: { timeout: 15000, retry_attempts: 3 }, keep_alive: true, start_process: false } }, 'browserstack.local': { extends: 'browserstack', desiredCapabilities: { 'browserstack.local': true } }, '': { extends: 'browserstack', desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'chrome', chromeOptions: { w3c: false } } }, 'browserstack.firefox': { extends: 'browserstack', desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'firefox' } }, '': { extends: 'browserstack', desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'internet explorer', browserVersion: '11.0' } }, 'browserstack.safari': { extends: 'browserstack', desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'safari' } }, 'browserstack.local_chrome': { extends: 'browserstack.local', desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'chrome' } }, 'browserstack.local_firefox': { extends: 'browserstack.local', desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'firefox' } }, ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configuration for when using the Selenium service, either locally or remote, | // like Selenium Grid | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// selenium_server: { // Selenium Server is running locally and is managed by Nightwatch selenium: { start_process: false, host: '', port: 4444, launch_url: 'http://localhost', server_path: (Services.seleniumServer ? Services.seleniumServer.path : ''), cli_args: { 'webdriver.gecko.driver': (Services.geckodriver ? Services.geckodriver.path : ''), '': (Services.chromedriver ? Services.chromedriver.path : '') } } }, '': { extends: 'selenium_server', desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'chrome', chromeOptions: { w3c: false, args: [ '--no-sandbox', '--ignore-certificate-errors', '--allow-insecure-localhost', '--headless', '--disable-gpu', '--disable-software-rasterizer', //'--verbose', '--window-size=1920,925', '--log-level=3' ] } } }, 'selenium.firefox': { extends: 'selenium_server', desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'firefox', 'moz:firefoxOptions': { args: [ // '-headless', // '-verbose' ] } } } } }; function loadServices() { try { Services.seleniumServer = require('selenium-server'); } catch (err) { } try { Services.chromedriver = require('chromedriver'); } catch (err) { } try { Services.geckodriver = require('geckodriver'); } catch (err) { } } ```

Your Environment

Executable Version
nightwatch --version version: 1.7.3
npm --version 6.2.0
yarn --version VERSION
node --version v10.8.0
Browser driver Version
Google Chrome 90.0.4430.85
OS Version
Linux version 3.10.0-1160.6.1.el7.x86_64 ( (gcc version 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44)
beatfactor commented 3 years ago

@chriscuba23 can you check on 1.7.6? Also can you please post the output of running nightwatch --verbose? We've posted the xml ouput

beatfactor commented 3 years ago

But since the hub is running on your CI machine, should you be setting the selenium host to

chriscuba23 commented 3 years ago

@beatfactor I commented the selenium host and uploaded the verbose output @ debug.log

beatfactor commented 3 years ago

And it was working fine in v1.6?

Dharin-shah commented 3 years ago

@chriscuba23 what does

curl localhost:4444/wd/hub/status


curl localhost:4444/status 

give you ? also please try and remove

chriscuba23 commented 3 years ago

And it was working fine in v1.6?

Yes, 1.6.4 can run Selenium Grid with no problem

chriscuba23 commented 3 years ago

@chriscuba23 what does

curl localhost:4444/wd/hub/status


curl localhost:4444/status 

give you ? also please try and remove

  "status": 0,
  "value": {
    "ready": true,
    "message": "Hub has capacity",
    "build": {
      "revision": "aacccce0",
      "time": "2018-08-02T20:13:22.693Z",
      "version": "3.14.0"
    "os": {
      "arch": "amd64",
      "name": "Linux",
      "version": "3.10.0-1160.6.1.el7.x86_64"
    "java": {
      "version": "1.8.0_272"

@Dharin-shah still the same connection error occurs even when removing launch_url

Error: An error occurred while retrieving a new session -- 22-Jun-2021 15:00:56 | at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1081:12)
beatfactor commented 3 years ago

@beatfactor I commented the selenium host and uploaded the verbose output @ debug.log

You still need to set the selenium host. I was just confused about why it is set to localhost since the grid is running on the CI (I don't have a lot of experience with using the Grid). But if you're saying that it runs locally as a node, then you should keep the host set as localhost.

chriscuba23 commented 3 years ago

it is set to localhost since the hub lies on the ci machine. The configuration file exists on the ci machine so it tells to trigger the hub that is running there... Do you think a node or selenium update will do the trick?

beatfactor commented 3 years ago

I'm afraid I'm still a bit confused about your setup. Can you post your entire nightwatch.conf.js again please?

chriscuba23 commented 3 years ago

@Dharin-shah @beatfactor I've posted the entire conf.js at the Configuration above

beatfactor commented 3 years ago

can you try adding:

webdriver: {
  start_process: false, 

in your environment please?

chriscuba23 commented 3 years ago

@beatfactor this did the trick! Thank you!

So the issue was that it was inheriting the "start_process: true" from the default environment?

beatfactor commented 3 years ago

@beatfactor this did the trick! Thank you!

So the issue was that it was inheriting the "start_process: true" from the default environment?

Yes. I think it started happening in 1.7 because we added multiple inheritance levels.