nightwatchjs / nightwatch

Integrated end-to-end testing framework written in Node.js and using W3C Webdriver API. Developed at @browserstack
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Can't run NightwatchJS tests in headless mode #3024

Closed chan-chandra closed 2 years ago

chan-chandra commented 2 years ago

Test fail to run in headless mode when using NightwatchJS


  1. Start with basic Demo code from
  2. Basic config file, Test file, package.json file is generated
  3. Chrome/ other browser runs properly
  4. But if changed to headless nightwatch.conf.js file, it shows error

Tried adding the following ways 1

 "args" : ["headless", "no-sandbox", "disable-gpu"],
          "binary": "/Applications/Google\\ Chrome"
 "args" : ["--headless"]

Example test


``` module.exports = { 'Demo test' : function(browser) { browser .url('') .waitForElementVisible('body') .assert.titleContains('Ecosia') .assert.visible('input[type=search]') .setValue('input[type=search]', 'nightwatch') .assert.visible('button[type=submit]') .click('button[type=submit]') .assert.containsText('.mainline-results', 'Nightwatch.js') .end(); } }; ``` **Run with command** ```sh $ nightwatch test/demo.js ``` ### Verbose output


``` FAILED: 1 assertions failed, 1 errors and 4 passed (10.322s) _________________________________________________ TEST FAILURE: 1 error during execution; 1 assertions failed, 4 passed (11.023s) ✖ Demo – Demo test (10.322s) Testing if element <.mainline-results> contains text 'Nightwatch.js' in 5000ms - expected "contains text 'Nightwatch.js'" but got: "element could not be located" (5487ms) at Object.Demo test (/Users/chanagonda/Documents/coe/qa-coe-experiments/nightwatchJS/tests/Demo.js:15:17) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5) NoSuchElementError: An error occurred while running .getText() command on <.mainline-results>: {"sessionId":"cde60139e1a3a480002b3dccedac52bf","status":0,"value":[]} at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5) npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details. ```

## Configuration

```js module.exports = { "src_folders" : ["tests"], "webdriver" : { "start_process": true, "server_path": "node_modules/.bin/chromedriver", "port": 9515 }, "test_settings" : { "default" : { "desiredCapabilities": { "browserName": "chrome", "chromeOptions" : { "w3c": false, "args" : ["headless", "no-sandbox", "disable-gpu"], "binary": "/Applications/Google\\ Chrome" }, acceptSslCerts: true } } }, } ```

## Your Environment | Executable | Version | | ---: | :--- | | `nightwatch --version` | 1.7.13 | | `npm --version` | 6.14.13 | | `node --version` | 14.17.2 | | OS | Version | | --- | --- | | macOS Monterey | 12.1 |
chan-chandra commented 2 years ago

@beatfactor @gravityvi @senocular could you please check on this issue, Thank you

gravityvi commented 2 years ago

@chan-chandra could you try this config instead:

 chrome: {
      desiredCapabilities: {
        browserName: 'chrome',
        'goog:chromeOptions': {
          // More info on Chromedriver:
          // w3c:false tells Chromedriver to run using the legacy JSONWire protocol (not required in Chrome 78)
          w3c: false,
          args: [

      webdriver: {
        start_process: true,
        server_path: '',
        cli_args: [
          // --verbose
beatfactor commented 2 years ago

I suggest starting with the Quickstart Tutorial and if needed to run in headless, just pass the --headless argument (only works in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox).