nightwatchjs / nightwatch

Integrated end-to-end testing framework written in Node.js and using W3C Webdriver API. Developed at @browserstack
MIT License
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Custom Class-Style commands returning a promise reject does not stop execution #3741

Open humphreyn opened 1 year ago

humphreyn commented 1 year ago

Description of the bug/issue

When I call my custom command that returns a promise.reject Then I expected the scenario.result.status to equal "FAILED" in the cucumber AfterStep And I expect any following cucumber steps to be skipped But instead the AfterStep scenario.result.status equals "PASSED" And any following cucumber steps are executed

Steps to reproduce

Any custom command that returns a promise.reject causes this error The attached script uses a custom command that always returns a promise reject We have 1.x custom commands that wait for a condition and return a promise.reject if that condition is not met within the timeout period Version 2.x does not seem to handle custom commands promise.rejects at all

Sample test

//NightwatchJS Custom command
module.exports = class MyCustomCommand {
    command(callback) {
        if (typeof callback === "function") {
        const result = {
            "status": -1,
            "value": false,
            "error": new Error("Promise Class Command 'myCustomCommand' returns promise.reject")
        return Promise.reject(result);

//Cucumber step definition file
const {Given, Then, When, AfterStep} = require('@cucumber/cucumber');

AfterStep(function (scenario) {
  if (['I call my custom command'].includes(scenario.pickleStep.text)) {
    console.log(`Expected the "scenario.result.status" to equal "FAILED" but got "${scenario.result.status}"`)

Given(/^I have navigated to "([^"]*)"$/, function(url) {
  return browser.navigateTo(url);

When(/^I call my custom command$/, function() {
  return browser.myCustomCommand();

Then(/^I expected this step to be skipped$/, function() {
  return"I expect this step to be skipped");

//Cucumber Feature file
Feature: Custom Command Promise reject

  Scenario: Test custom command promise rejection
    Given I have navigated to ""
    When I call my custom command
    And I expected this step to be skipped

Command to run

npx nightwatch --verbose

Verbose Output

Launching up to 1 concurrent test worker processes...

 Running:  default: cucumber.steps.js 

DevTools listening on ws://

×  default: cucumber.steps.js    
 - Starting ChromeDriver on port 9515... 
 Starting ChromeDriver with server_path=C:\temp\test\node_modules\chromedriver\lib\chromedriver\chromedriver.exe... 
   Request POST /session   
      capabilities: { 
        firstMatch: [ {} ], 
        alwaysMatch: { browserName: 'chrome', 'goog:chromeOptions': {} } 
   Response 200 POST /session (999ms)
      value: {
        capabilities: {
          acceptInsecureCerts: false,
          browserName: 'chrome',
          browserVersion: '113.0.5672.127',
          chrome: {
            chromedriverVersion: '113.0.5672.63 (0e1a4471d5ae5bf128b1bd8f4d627c8cbd55f70c-refs/branch-heads/5672@{#912})',
            userDataDir: 'C:\\Users\\HUMPHR~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\scoped_dir25592_1990293323'
          'goog:chromeOptions': { debuggerAddress: 'localhost:65317' },
          networkConnectionEnabled: false,
          pageLoadStrategy: 'normal',
          platformName: 'windows',
          proxy: {},
          setWindowRect: true,
          strictFileInteractability: false,
          timeouts: { implicit: 0, pageLoad: 300000, script: 30000 },
          unhandledPromptBehavior: 'dismiss and notify',
          'webauthn:extension:credBlob': true,
          'webauthn:extension:largeBlob': true,
          'webauthn:extension:minPinLength': true,
          'webauthn:extension:prf': true,
          'webauthn:virtualAuthenticators': true
        sessionId: 'caab856e953d2fdc13753f3207c6ad82'
 i Connected to ChromeDriver on port 9515 (1083ms).
 Using: chrome (113.0.5672.127) on WINDOWS.
 Received session with ID: caab856e953d2fdc13753f3207c6ad82 


  → Running command: navigateTo ('')
   Request POST /session/caab856e953d2fdc13753f3207c6ad82/url  
 { url: '' }
   Response 200 POST /session/caab856e953d2fdc13753f3207c6ad82/url (2945ms)
 { value: null }
  → Completed command: navigateTo ('') (2951ms)

  → Running command: myCustomCommand ()
    Promise Class Command 'myCustomCommand' returns promise.reject
  → Completed command: myCustomCommand () (1ms)
 Expected the "scenario.result.status" to equal "FAILED" but got "PASSED"
 { value: null }
  → Completed command: quit () (167ms)

 1) Scenario: Test custom command promise rejection # features\customCommand.feature:3
    √ Before # node_modules\nightwatch\cucumber-js\_setup_cucumber_runner.js:6
    √ Given I have navigated to "" # step_definitions\cucumber.steps.js:9
    √ When I call my custom command # step_definitions\cucumber.steps.js:13
    × And I expected this step to be skipped # step_definitions\cucumber.steps.js:17
        I expect this step to be skipped
    √ After # node_modules\nightwatch\cucumber-js\_setup_cucumber_runner.js:67
 1 scenario (1 failed)
 3 steps (1 failed, 2 passed)
 0m05.350s (executing steps: 0m05.332s)

 Wrote HTML report file to: C:\temp\test\tests_output\nightwatch-html-report\index.html

 Wrote Rerun Json report file to: C:\temp\test\tests_output\minimal_report.json

Nightwatch Configuration

module.exports = {
    "src_folders": ["step_definitions"],
    "page_objects_path": ["page-objects"],
    "custom_commands_path": ["commands"],
    "custom_assertions_path": [],
    "plugins": [],
    "globals_path": "",
    "webdriver": {},
    "test_workers": {
        "enabled": true
    "test_settings": {
        "default": {
            "disable_error_log": false,
            "launch_url": "",
            "report_command_errors": false,
            "end_session_on_fail": true,
            "skip_testcases_on_fail": true,
            "screenshots": {
                "enabled": false,
                "path": "screens",
                "on_failure": true
            "desiredCapabilities": {
                "browserName": "chrome"
            "webdriver": {
                "start_process": true,
                "server_path": ""
            "test_runner": {
                "type": "cucumber",
                "options": {
                    "feature_path": "features"
        "chrome": {
            "desiredCapabilities": {
                "browserName": "chrome",
                "goog:chromeOptions": {
                    "w3c": true,
                    "args": []
            "webdriver": {
                "start_process": true,
                "server_path": "",
                "cli_args": []

Nightwatch.js Version


Node Version



chrome 113.0.5672.127

Operating System

No response

Additional Information

No response

AutomatedTester commented 1 year ago

This could be a duplicate of #2510

humphreyn commented 1 year ago

Hi @AutomatedTester I am not sure. Existing API commands do stop the tests from continuing, but when you create a custom command that follows the documentation it does not.

humphreyn commented 1 year ago

@swrdfish , is there any timeline as to when this will be fixed as we cannot migrate from version 1.* until this is resolved

swrdfish commented 1 year ago

@humphreyn this is a complex bug, we are looking into it but cannot promise on a timeline yet.

beatfactor commented 1 year ago

@humphreyn Is it happening with the default test format or is it only when using the Cucumber runner?

humphreyn commented 1 year ago

@beatfactor , I will set up a test can get back to you as we currently only use the Cucumber runner.

memihai commented 1 year ago

@beatfactor, using the NW runner doesn't stop execution. To the default NW project installed with "npm init nightwatch" I added the below as follows:


const searchCommands = {
    this.waitForElementVisible('@button', 5000)
    return this; // for command-chaining
  submit() {
    this.waitForElementVisible('@submitButton', 1000)


    return this; // for command-chaining

module.exports = {
  url: '',

  commands: [

  elements: {
    searchBar: {
      selector: 'textarea#APjFqb'

    submitButton: {
      selector: 'input.gNO89b'
    button: {


describe('google search with consent form - page objects', function() {
  const homePage =; // first page-object

  before(async () => {

  after(async (browser) => browser.quit());

  it('should find nightwatch.js in results', function(browser) {
    homePage.setValue('@searchBar', 'Nightwatch.js');

    const resultsPage =; // second page-object



    const menuSection =;


module.exports = class MyCustomCommand {
  command(callback) {
    if (typeof callback === "function") {;
    const result = {
      "status": -1,
      "value": false,
      "error": new Error("Promise Class Command 'myCustomCommand' returns promise.reject")
    return Promise.reject(result);

//output after running: npx nightwatch ./nightwatch/examples/with-page-objects/google.js

google search with consent form - page objects] Test Suite
ℹ Connected to ChromeDriver on port 9515 (2418ms).
  Using: chrome (113.0.5672.126) on MAC OS X.

  ℹ Loaded url in 1219ms

  Running should find nightwatch.js in results:
  ✔ Element <button#W0wltc> was visible after 50 milliseconds.
   Promise Class Command 'myCustomCommand' returns promise.reject
  ✔ Element <input.gNO89b> was visible after 131 milliseconds.
  ✔ Expected element @results <#rso> to be present (66ms)
  ✔ Expected element @results <#rso> text to contain: "Nightwatch.js" (138ms)
  ✔ Expected element @menu <#hdtb-msb> to be visible (43ms)
  ✔ Expected element <Section [name=menu],Element [name=@all[0]]> to be visible (152ms)

  FAILED: 1 errors and  6 passed (2.199s)


  ️TEST FAILURE (7.331s): 
   - 1 error during execution; 
   - 0 assertions failed; 6 passed

   ✖ 1) with-page-objects/google

   – should find nightwatch.js in results (2.199s)

   Promise Class Command 'myCustomCommand' returns promise.reject

FYI @humphreyn

memihai commented 1 year ago

@humphreyn If you are migrating a framework you might also be interested in this issue. This one is my blocker and you might hit it. I am also migrating a ~2000 test framework from 1.*.

While working on the migration I had also hit the issue you had logged here so thank you for logging it.