nightwatchjs / nightwatch

Integrated end-to-end testing framework written in Node.js and using W3C Webdriver API. Developed at @browserstack
MIT License
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Test does not start because there is an error while trying to load the file "node_modules\nightwatch\dist\api\client-commands\saveSnapshot.js" #3884

Closed chriscuba23 closed 1 year ago

chriscuba23 commented 1 year ago

Description of the bug/issue

When I run a simple js file in examples I expect for it to run but instead I get a ERR_DLOPEN_FAILED file load error

Steps to reproduce

  1. Upgrade Nightwatch to version 3.1.2
  2. In Visual Studio Code run the following

.\node_modules\.bin\nightwatch.cmd -e chrome .\nightwatch\examples\basic\duckDuckGo.js --verbose

Sample test

describe('duckduckgo example', function() {
  it('Search Nightwatch.js and check results', function(browser) {
      .sendKeys('input[name=q]', ['Nightwatch.js'])
      .assert.textContains('.results--main', 'Nightwatch.js');

Command to run

.\node_modules\.bin\nightwatch.cmd -e chrome .\nightwatch\examples\basic\duckDuckGo.js --verbose

Verbose Output

│                                                                                                                                                   │
│   There was an error while trying to load the file 
C:\Users\MT User\e2e_tests\node_modules\nightwatch\dist\api\client-commands\saveSnapshot.js:   │
│   \\?\C:\Users\MT User\e2e_tests\node_modules\canvas\build\Release\canvas.node;                                                                   │
│                                                                                                                                                   │
│    Current working directory is: C:\Users\MT User\e2e_tests                                                                                       │
│                                                                                                                                                   │
│                                                                                                                                                   │

    [ERR_DLOPEN_FAILED] The specified module could not be found.
\\?\C:\Users\MT User\e2e_tests\node_modules\canvas\build\Release\canvas.node;

Nightwatch Configuration

// Refer to the online docs for more details:

//  _   _  _         _      _                     _          _
// | \ | |(_)       | |    | |                   | |        | |
// |  \| | _   __ _ | |__  | |_ __      __  __ _ | |_   ___ | |__
// | . ` || | / _` || '_ \ | __|\ \ /\ / / / _` || __| / __|| '_ \
// | |\  || || (_| || | | || |_  \ V  V / | (_| || |_ | (__ | | | |
// \_| \_/|_| \__, ||_| |_| \__|  \_/\_/   \__,_| \__| \___||_| |_|
//             __/ |
//            |___/

// Autogenerated by Nightwatch
// Refer to the online docs for more details:
const Services = {}; loadServices();

const FAILURES_ERRORS_PATH = "./failures"; // Location of the screenshots taken on failures/errors
const REPORTS = "./reports"; // The location where the JUnit XML report files will be saved.

module.exports = {
  // An array of folders (excluding subfolders) where your tests are located;
  // if this is not specified, the test source must be passed as the second argument to the test runner.
  src_folders: ['Scenarios', 'nightwatch/examples'],

  // See
  page_objects_path: ['pages'],

  // See
  custom_commands_path: ['./custom_commands', "./node_modules/nightwatch-xhr/es5/commands", "./node_modules/nightwatch-mixpanel/es5/commands", "./node_modules/@bbc/nightwatch-vrt/commands"],

  // See
  custom_assertions_path: ['./custom_assertions', "./node_modules/nightwatch-xhr/es5/assertions", "./node_modules/nightwatch-mixpanel/es5/assertions", "node_modules/@bbc/nightwatch-vrt/assertions"],

  // See
  plugins: [],

  // See
  globals_path: './globals.js',

  data_path: "data",
  output_folder: REPORTS, // The location where the JUnit XML report files will be saved.
  live_output: false, // Whether or not to buffer the output in case of parallel running
  silent: true, // Whether to show the extended HTTP traffic command logs (verbose) from the WebDriver or Selenium server.
  output: true, //Used to disable CLI output completely.
  detailed_output: true, // By default detailed assertion output is displayed while the test is running. Set this to `false` if you'd like to only see the test case name displayed and pass/fail status. Detailed output is disabled by default when running tests in parallel.
  disable_error_log: false, // Set this to true if you'd like to not display errors during the execution of the test (they are shown at the end always).

  webdriver: {
    "keep_alive": true // Enable HTTP Keep-Alive. If set to true the keepAlive option is enabled with default settings (keepAliveMsecs = 3000). If set to an object, can specify specify the keepAliveMsecs value.

  test_workers: {
    enabled: true

  test_settings: {
    default: {
      disable_error_log: false,
      launch_url: 'http://localhost',
      use_xpath: false, //  Use xpath as the default locator strategy
      test_workers: { "enabled": true, "workers": 2 }, // Whether or not to run individual test files in parallel. If set to `true`, runs the tests in parallel and determines the number of workers automatically. If set to an object, can specify specify the number of workers as `"auto"` or a `number`. 
      globals: require('./globals'), // An object which will be made available within the test and can be overwritten per environment
      screenshots: {
        enabled: false,
        on_failure: true

      desiredCapabilities: {
        browserName: 'chrome',
        javascriptEnabled: true,
        acceptSslCerts: true,
        acceptInsecureCerts: true,
        browserTag: "mttestcr"
      end_session_on_fail: true, // End the session automatically when the test is being terminated, usually after a failed assertion.
      skip_testcases_on_fail: true, // Skip the remaining testcases (or test steps) from the same test suite (i.e. test file), when one testcase fails.
      detailed_output: true, // By default detailed assertion output is displayed while the test is running. Set this to `false` if you'd like to only see the test case name displayed and pass/fail status. This is especially useful when running tests in parallel.

      webdriver: {
        start_process: true, // When this is enabled, the Webdriver server is run in background in a child process and started/stopped automatically. Nightwatch includes support for managing Chromedriver, Geckodriver (Firefox), Safaridriver, and Selenium Server. Please refer to the Install Webdriver section for details.
        server_path: (Services.chromedriver ? Services.chromedriver.path : '') // Only useful if start_process is enabled.

    firefox: {
      capabilities: {
        browserName: 'firefox',
        browserTag: "mttestff",
        acceptSslCerts: true,
        acceptInsecureCerts: true,
        'moz:firefoxOptions': {
          args: [
            // '-headless',
            // '-verbose'
          prefs: {
            // 'media.navigator.permission.disable': true,
            // 'media.navigator.streams.fake': true
      webdriver: {
        start_process: true,
        server_path: '',
        host: '',
        port: 4444,
        cli_args: [
          // very verbose geckodriver logs
          // '-vv'


    h_firefox: {
      capabilities: {
        browserName: 'firefox',
        browserTag: "mttestff",
        acceptSslCerts: true,
        acceptInsecureCerts: true,
        'moz:firefoxOptions': {
          args: [
            // '-verbose'
          prefs: {
            // 'media.navigator.permission.disable': true,
            // 'media.navigator.streams.fake': true
      webdriver: {
        start_process: true,
        server_path: '',
        host: '',
        port: 4444,
        cli_args: [
          // very verbose geckodriver logs
          // '-vv'

    chrome: {
      desiredCapabilities: {
        browserName: 'chrome',
        loggingPrefs: {
          browser: "ALL"
        javascriptEnabled: true,
        acceptSslCerts: true,
        acceptInsecureCerts: true,
        'goog:chromeOptions': {
          // More info on Chromedriver:
          // w3c:false tells Chromedriver to run using the legacy JSONWire protocol (not required in Chrome 78)
          w3c: true,
          args: [
          prefs: {
            "profile.default_content_setting_values.cookies": 1, // Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended): 2=Blocked, 1=Allow


      webdriver: {
        start_process: true,
        port: 9515,
        server_path: (Services.chromedriver ? Services.chromedriver.path : ''),
        cli_args: [
          // --verbose

    h_chrome: {
      desiredCapabilities: {
        browserName: 'chrome',
        loggingPrefs: {
          browser: "ALL"
        javascriptEnabled: true,
        acceptSslCerts: true,
        acceptInsecureCerts: true,
        'goog:chromeOptions': {
          // More info on Chromedriver:
          // This tells Chromedriver to run using the legacy JSONWire protocol (not required in Chrome 78)
          w3c: true,
          args: [

          prefs: {
            "profile.default_content_setting_values.cookies": 1, // Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended): 2=Blocked, 1=Allow


      webdriver: {
        start_process: true,
        port: 9515,
        server_path: (Services.chromedriver ? Services.chromedriver.path : ''),
        cli_args: [
          // --verbose


    edge: {
      desiredCapabilities: {
        browserName: 'MicrosoftEdge',
        browserTag: "mtteste",
        acceptSslCerts: true,
        acceptInsecureCerts: true,
        'ms:edgeOptions': {
          w3c: true,
          // More info on EdgeDriver:
          args: [


      webdriver: {
        start_process: true,
        // Download msedgedriver from
        //  and set the location below:
        server_path: "C:\\Windows\\System32\\msedgedriver.exe",
        cli_args: [
          // --verbose



    h_edge: {
      desiredCapabilities: {
        browserName: 'MicrosoftEdge',
        browserTag: "mtteste",
        acceptSslCerts: true,
        acceptInsecureCerts: true,
        'ms:edgeOptions': {
          w3c: true,
          // More info on EdgeDriver:
          args: [

      webdriver: {
        start_process: true,
        // Download msedgedriver from
        //  and set the location below:
        server_path: "C:\\Windows\\System32\\msedgedriver.exe",
        cli_args: [
          // --verbose


    safari: {
      desiredCapabilities: {
        acceptInsecureCerts: false,
        browserName: 'safari',
        browserTag: "mttests",
      webdriver: {
        port: 4445,
        start_process: true,
        server_path: '/usr/bin/safaridriver'

    // Configuration for using remote Selenium service or a cloud-based testing provider.  |
    //                                                                                     |
    // Please set the hostname and port of your remote selenium-server or cloud-provider   |
    // (by setting the following properties in the configuration below):                   |
    // - ``                                                                   |
    // - `selenium.port`                                                                   |
    //                                                                                     |
    // If you are using a cloud provider such as CrossBrowserTesting, LambdaTests, etc.,   |
    // please set the username and access_key by setting the below environment variables:  |
    // - REMOTE_USERNAME                                                                   |
    // - REMOTE_ACCESS_KEY                                                                 |
    // (.env files are supported)                                                          |
    remote: {
      // Info on all the available options with "selenium":
      selenium: {
        start_process: false,
        launch_url: 'http://localhost',
        server_path: (Services.seleniumServer ? Services.seleniumServer.path : ''),
        screenshots: {
          enabled: true,
          path: FAILURES_ERRORS_PATH,
          on_failure: true
        cli_args: {
          'webdriver.gecko.driver': (Services.geckodriver ? Services.geckodriver.path : ''),
          '': (Services.chromedriver ? Services.chromedriver.path : '')
      username: '${REMOTE_USERNAME}',
      access_key: '${REMOTE_ACCESS_KEY}',

      webdriver: {
        keep_alive: true,
        start_process: false

    '': {
      extends: 'remote',
      desiredCapabilities: {
        browserName: 'chrome',
        javascriptEnabled: true,
        acceptSslCerts: true,
        acceptInsecureCerts: true,
        chromeOptions: {
          w3c: true,
          args: [

      webdriver: {
        start_process: false,
    'remote.firefox': {
      extends: 'selenium_server',
      desiredCapabilities: {
        browserName: 'firefox',
        'moz:firefoxOptions': {
          args: [
            // '-verbose'


  usage_analytics: {
    enabled: true,
    log_path: './logs/analytics'


function loadServices() {
  try {
    Services.seleniumServer = require('selenium-server');
  } catch (err) { }

  try {
    Services.chromedriver = require('chromedriver');
  } catch (err) { }

  try {
    Services.geckodriver = require('geckodriver');
  } catch (err) { }

Nightwatch.js Version


Node Version



Chrome Version 115.0.5790.173 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Operating System

Windows 11 Pro

Additional Information

dtslvr commented 1 year ago

I get the same error after upgrading from version 2.4.1 to 3.1.3. Is any version of Nightwatch.js 3 working for you @chriscuba23?

gravityvi commented 1 year ago

Hey @chriscuba23, Thanks for raising this issue. Could you try a fresh install of dependencies and see if it works?

chriscuba23 commented 1 year ago

I get the same error after upgrading from version 2.4.1 to 3.1.3. Is any version of Nightwatch.js 3 working for you @chriscuba23?

will try other versions and will let you know!

chriscuba23 commented 1 year ago

Hey @chriscuba23, Thanks for raising this issue. Could you try a fresh install of dependencies and see if it works?

will try now, thanx

chriscuba23 commented 1 year ago

I've tried version 3.0.1 and version 3.1.3 but sadly the failure was the same

chriscuba23 commented 1 year ago

@dtslvr I've tried doing a fresh install of the dependencies using npm ci. It worked. fyi @gravityvi

AutomatedTester commented 1 year ago

Glad you got sorted!

dtslvr commented 1 year ago

I've tried doing a fresh install of the dependencies using npm ci. It worked.

That worked for me too. Thank you very much @chriscuba23.